Monday 24 June 2024

Meeting Little Miss Whitney for the First Time (June 2, 2024)

This morning there was a triathlon going on in town.
Jason was on a team, he was doing the running portion for his team so I drove him down to meet his team just after 8 am.

Freya was participating in it too, she was doing the swimming, biking and walking but the little ones weren't starting until 9:30.

Amazingly, my knee was not sore at all this morning.

Kody got called out to work so I went down to the school and I watched Eden while Haylee took Freya in and got her registered then ready for the swimming portion.

She was among the first from her age group to finish up the swimming, onto the biking portion.

She had to bike just a short loop but there was a hill and the parents were not allowed to help the kids up the hill - Haylee was a little concerned that Freya wouldn't be able to do it but she did.

There she comes.

She went in, dropped off her bike then was off running.

The cheering section.
Zepplyn was running it too - she was in a different age category so she had to do a bit more swimming and two loops on the bike.

Here she comes.

I tried to zoom in but it got a little blurry.

I took a video of her running into the finish line so I just took a few stills from it.
I wish they were a bit clearer but you get the idea.

She ran the whole way and we were so proud of her.

Nearly there.

The shoes she was running in were heavy but that didn't stop her.

Everyone was cheering her on and I think it made her so proud.

Running to the finish line.

The two finishers - Hopefully they will complete many more runs together in the future, Miss Eden too.

There's Zepplyn setting off to do her running portion.
She was in a different age group than Freya so had to do a bit longer of a distance for the swimming and the biking but the running distance was the same.

Her bike was a bit small for her so that part was hard and she was tired by the time the run came around.
She said she wanted to quit but she didn't so good on her.
I'm so proud of both of the girls for sticking it out and doing it.

Freya just loved it, she wanted to go running again.

They did the awards ceremony in the gym afterwards.

Haylee and Freya just waiting for the results.

Eden with Papa Randy.
She just loves standing up.

Freya ended up coming in third for her age category for the girls.
She beat all the boys in her age category too so really she came in third overall.

Jason had a really great run today and helped propel his team into third place - there was some tough competition so I was proud of him.
He had to go to work before they gave out the awards so he wasn't there for the team picture but the rest of his team was.

Third place for her first triathlon was pretty dang great I thought.

Showing off her trophy!

After the awards ceremony, we all went out for lunch - Haylee, Crystal, Randy, Eden, Freya, Zepplyn and I.
I had a turkey club sandwich with a side salad and it was pretty good.

Afterwards, both girls wanted to come to my place so we walked up there (they both had their bikes).
Freya took her bike to the backyard to put it away in the garage and there was a tarp on the ground by the fence, we moved and this came scurrying out.

It gives me the heebie jeebies just looking at it right now.
One of the guys at work (Calvin) was just talking about how he used to see these out at the water plant in the field but never anywhere else.
So seeing on in my backyard was quite a shock.

Freya wanted to touch it (yuck) I said she could if she wanted, she did but with a stick, not her finger.
I didn't really want it in my backyard but I didn't want to kill it either so we put the bike away and left.
I'll just hope that I don't ever come across another one.

I tried working on my blog a bit while the girls played because I got a bit behind when we were away on vacation (happens every time).

They were playing with the fake snow Jason got for Freya when we were in Pigeon Forge (it's pretty cool stuff).
She made it into a cake for Zepp and Zepp is acting surprised.

They played together really nicely all afternoon.

I wanted to get over and meet my new Great Niece so I checked to see if Morgan was home (she was) and she was ok with us coming by for a visit so we walked down there.

The girls stopped to pick some dandelions along the way.

We also picked up a guest on the way - Hunter was out bike riding so he came with us.

Meet Whitney Lynn McCallum.

She's tiny but she has these really long fingers.
So precious and perfect.
She didn't wake up or make a peep the whole time we were there.

Morgan said she just sleeps all the time, Morgan has to wake her up to feed her even.

The kids all wanted a turn to hold her.

Freya and her faces.

Zepplyn having her turn. You can see how long Whitney's fingers are in this picture.

Uncle Hunter holding his new little niece.

Freya wanted another turn - she's checking out those long fingers

Holding her hand.

After our visit, we were walking back home and the girls decided they wanted to go to Freya's so I dropped them off there and headed home.

I spent the rest of my evening working on my blog but I was having either internet troubles or web site troubles and everything was taking FOREVER.

I barely got anything accomplished and it was so frustrating.

I'm seriously considering going with Starlink again.
There's a bit of a start up fee then the monthly cost is 20 more than what I'm paying now but if I stop having internet issues it will be totally worth it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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