Thursday 27 June 2024

Weigh In Day and Jason is Home (June 24, 2024)

Weigh in day,

I've been making wise choices with my eating and exercising so I was looking forward to my weigh in today.

I was 214.0 lbs.

That's down 3.6 lbs from last week.
That felt really good.

I've decided a couple things, I'm going to start incorporating weight training into my life.
I found a session online that should take about 35 - 45 minutes and I'm going to do it two time a week.

Then the other thing I decided is that I'm going to stop weighing in everyday, I'm just going to go back to Monday's only.

I find the daily weigh in sometimes messes with my mind - If I have a good weigh in when I was expecting a bad one, I kind of give myself permission to continue with whatever bad habit I thought was going to result in a bad weigh in.
Then on the flip side, if I have a bad weigh in when I am expecting a good one, it is really deflating and I get into this mindset of why bother, it's not working anyway.

So I think going back to weekly weigh ins is the way to go for me.

Jason is on his way home today.
He started the morning off with a low tire.
He had to stop in to a tire shop to get it fixed so that delayed his trip home by a few hours.

The weather here at home was terrible today, rainy and dreary.
But over in Saskatchewan it looks gorgeous.
Jason sent this picture of the weather there.

It was around 9:30 when Jason rolled on in to town.
I was so happy to see him back home.

We visited for a bit and then it was off to bed because I have to work in the morning.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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