Monday 24 June 2024

The Beauty of Nature - A Mama Grizzly and her Two Little Cubs (June 12, 2024)

My co-worker and Jason's friend, Blair, turned 60 today so Bonnie, Shennelle and I decorated his office yesterday after work.

I forgot to take pictures so I went in and took some this morning before he got to work. 

We do this every time someone in the office has a milestone birthday and then I just keep everything and re-use it which makes things so easy.

I made Elmo for Freya's 2nd birthday and now he shows up in everyone's office at work whenever there is a birthday.

We usually hang streamers in the doorway but I found this thing at the dollar store which was way easier to put up and looks much nicer.
I think Blair enjoyed his surprise when he got to work.

When I was heading home at lunch today I could see these two brown little rolly polly things running around by the old ball diamond across the highway from our office.
I thought it may have been a bear so I went over a little closer to investigate and sure enough, that's exactly what it was.

There was a mama grizzly there eating away and she had two little cubs that were running all around playing.

What an amazing sight to see.

I sat there on the side of the road and watched them for about 15 minutes, took a little video too.
Honestly I could have sat there and watched them all day - it's not a sight you get to see very often, but I had things to do.

I hopped on the treadmill and got my run in (30 minutes at a speed of 4.0)

It feels so good to be getting back at it.

When I got home, Haylee called to see if I'd take Freya swimming.
She'd promised her she'd take her because her little friend Dakota was going to be there but then discovered that she had a ball game so couldn't go.

So I did take her - it's the first time I've been to the pool here in town in years (I used to go all the time for adult lane swim).
It was really busy, there were a ton of kids there.
Dakota didn't stay long but Alivia and Hunter were there so Freya played with Hunter and few other of her little friends that were there.

She wanted to stay until it ended which was 8 pm then she wanted to come to our place for a visit to see Papa.
So I did let her come over but she couldn't spend the night because we both have to work in the morning so we took her home just after 9.

A couple memes that made me laugh today.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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