Sunday 30 June 2024

Happy Retirement Colleen (June 28, 2024)

One of the ladies in St Albert is retiring and today is her last day.

They were having a dinner for her and I wanted to be there so I drove in there this morning.
Bonnie and Shennelle had other plans today so I went in by myself.

Colleen had the perfect socks on for today.

They had a banner for her.

And a cake.

And presents.

And more presents.

They gave her a really nice cooler and it had goodies inside of it.
We also all gave money and they just gave her the cash.
She likes to travel so it will come in handy.

The lady that was going to be taking over for Colleen ended up having a stroke a couple of weeks ago.
She did get out of the hospital last week and was able to make it today so that was nice.

There was quite a few folks from the office that were able to make it today so that was nice.
There was lasagna for lunch which I skipped but they also had salad and fresh fruit so that's what I had for lunch.

I brought my running clothes with me so I changed into them before I left the office then I parked by the mall and hopped on the trails and went for a run.

I ran 4k then walked another 1k or so.
I felt good about that.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

I was wearing my Alphaflys and they were pinching a bit on my right foot - I have to remember to wear thicker socks with them or maybe a Band-Aid.

I started another audiobook the other day, it's the third book in this series that I've been listening too.

You don't have to read them in order - they are all completely different stories but they do make references to characters in the other books.

I finished listening to it on the drive home. 

After I got home, Kody texted to say that Freya wanted to come over.
Jason and I were just heading out for a walk so we just walked down and picked her up.
She always likes to climb on these rocks when we walk by, today was no exception.

She did Papa's makeup when we got home.

Looks fantastic.

She stayed and spent the night with us which was nice.
It's been a few weeks since we had her over.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Friday 28 June 2024

Started Weight Training (June 27, 2024)

I was a little busier at work today so that was good. 

On my lunch today I decided to do a full body weight workout.
I warmed up on the treadmill for just a few minutes then I followed a youtube video I found with a workout for women over 50.
They were 7 different exercises and I did 3 sets of each with about 8-10 reps in each one.
It took me about 40 minutes to do the whole thing.

On the video they say you should do it twice week so that's what I'm going to do.
I just want to change things up a bit and I've always wanted to incorporate weights into my workouts so I'm finally doing it.

Aside from that it was a quiet evening.

I made squash soup for supper and then I also made a dozen egg bites.
I put onions in them this time and skipped the tortillas and I like them better.

Haylee posted a bunch of pictures of her and the girls.

Rocking a cool little jean jacket.

She likes being outside and crawling around in the grass.

She's waving now.

She's also pulling herself up onto whatever she can.

Enjoying the sunshine.

Hanging with Papa.

This was from the splash park the other day.

Let's go tubing!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Painting with Water Colors is the New Fad Around Here (June 26, 2024)

Another quiet day at the office.

Hopefully it picks up soon - I'd much rather be busy other wise the days just feel so long.


I ran my 30 minutes on my lunch hour.

I did it at 4.1 again today - I think next week I might bump it up to 4.2

Freya wanted to come over after work so Haylee dropped her off.
We did some more watercolor painting.
We did mushrooms today.
They turned out great.

Kody came to pick her up and he brought Eden with him for a little visit.

She had to get some snuggles in with Papa before she left.

Jason took this picture of Eden the other day standing in her play pen.
I love it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Decapitated Gingerbread Man (June 25, 2024)

It's been very slow at work these days so it makes for long days.

I hopped on the treadmill on my lunch hour and got my 30 minute run in.

I bumped it up to a speed of 4.1 for my runs this week.

I was good and sweaty when I finished up - sign of a good work out for me.

I finished another audio book today, First Lie Wins.

It was really good.

Jason had Freya over when I got home from work and they were cooking..

She made a dinosaur and a decapitated gingerbread man.
Right up her alley.

Pretending to be dead.
You know they are dead when the tongue is hanging out, it's the tell-tale sign 😉
We had to take her home because we both have to work in the morning.

They were having some supper when we got there.
Eden was eating on her own - she likes food (she gets it honestly).

Jason purchased this art piece from an up and coming artist for $5.00. (Freya).
He framed it and hung it in the hallway as soon as we got back home.

Ha ha - I thought this was cute.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Thursday 27 June 2024

Weigh In Day and Jason is Home (June 24, 2024)

Weigh in day,

I've been making wise choices with my eating and exercising so I was looking forward to my weigh in today.

I was 214.0 lbs.

That's down 3.6 lbs from last week.
That felt really good.

I've decided a couple things, I'm going to start incorporating weight training into my life.
I found a session online that should take about 35 - 45 minutes and I'm going to do it two time a week.

Then the other thing I decided is that I'm going to stop weighing in everyday, I'm just going to go back to Monday's only.

I find the daily weigh in sometimes messes with my mind - If I have a good weigh in when I was expecting a bad one, I kind of give myself permission to continue with whatever bad habit I thought was going to result in a bad weigh in.
Then on the flip side, if I have a bad weigh in when I am expecting a good one, it is really deflating and I get into this mindset of why bother, it's not working anyway.

So I think going back to weekly weigh ins is the way to go for me.

Jason is on his way home today.
He started the morning off with a low tire.
He had to stop in to a tire shop to get it fixed so that delayed his trip home by a few hours.

The weather here at home was terrible today, rainy and dreary.
But over in Saskatchewan it looks gorgeous.
Jason sent this picture of the weather there.

It was around 9:30 when Jason rolled on in to town.
I was so happy to see him back home.

We visited for a bit and then it was off to bed because I have to work in the morning.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!