Monday, 31 July 2023

Trim is Up - Room is Getting There (July 27, 2023)

I returned the last set of lamps that I purchased because they were all dented up but I ordered another set to replace them and luckily they showed up today.

However, the box was looking a little squished so not too promising 

This set was even more beat up than the first set I ordered.
I didn't even bother taking them out of the box because I could see how rough of shape they were in.
I just taped the box right back up and returned them.
I'm not going to bother to order another set.

At lunch I hopped on the treadmill and ran 5 k.

I love the feeling of accomplishment I get after a good workout.

Jason cooked up some steak at work for his supper - looks perfectly cooked.
Makes me hungry.

After work I headed right back over to Kody's to do some clean up.
Mom came with me and we went through all of Freya's clothes and took out everything that was too small (or too big) for her and packed it away.
Then when Jason got off work, he brought over the trim.

I was worried that there was going to be a lot of touch ups needed to the paint because the trim wasn't that wide and I didn't think it would cover up the area where the paint met well enough.
I really only had to touch up two spots though and the rest was perfect.

We brought in the dresser and the rug I'd picked up as well.
I did bring her bed in but it is full of stickers and a little beat up so tomorrow I'm going to come over and give it a good cleaning before we put it in the room.

It's looking really good - I really appreciate Jason coming over every night after work to help me out too.
It makes for super long days for him.

We got home late and I just had some cinnamon raisin toast for supper before heading to bed.

Kind of true.

This is so me.
I don't do East and West, left and right all the way for me.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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