Monday 24 July 2023

River Valley Run and Phalika Thai (July 21, 2023)

We were up early and headed out for a run.

It was a gorgeous day out there, I sweated my butt off.

I wanted to run 5k and I ended up running 6k so I was proud of that.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
Still on the slow side but I'm ok with that - as long as I'm running, that's the main thing.

I planned my run so that I finished up by the stairs - I wanted to walk up them.
It was tough - I had to stop for a couple breaks.

Pretty nice view once you got to the top though.

Looks like it's going to be a nice day in the city.

It feels so good to get out and run first thing in the morning - even just walking would have been fine too - it just feels good to be out and about.

The fountains were going in front of the parliament buildings - I kind of felt like running through them but refrained.

When we got back to the hotel - we went for a swim in the pool and a dip in the hot tub.
It felt so nice.

Then we got ready, checked out and walked down to Rosewood Cafe for some brunch.

Jason got a new shirt - he looks so good in white.

I got a new dress at Old Navy yesterday.
It's loose and flowy - maybe not the most flattering but I love the color and it's so airy and breezy.
Another plus - it has pockets!

We got a raspberry cardamom doughnut to share - couldn't really tast the cardamom but it was still good.

I had planned on ordering the lemon pancakes but they are only available on weekends so instead I got the Lemon Chicken BLT with a side of their Oh So Delicious Kale Salad.

Jason got the Pecan Granola - it seemed like it wasn't sweet enough but then on the end it would be.
It was quite good as well.

He also got a side of their potatoes which are amazing.

Taste of Edmonton was going on - we took a walk through but didn't really have time to stop as we had to get to our appointment in Leduc.

We dropped the car off for them to install the cross bars and they Ubered us over to the outlet mall.
We weren't there for very long at all when they texted us back to say that the car was ready.

So they ordered us another Uber to pick us up and we went back for the car.
We got winter tires too but they are going to store them there for us until winter when we are ready to get them put on.

It was around 3:30 when we left there.

I stopped in at Urban Whyte in Devon to look for IOD molds.
I love the IOD stuff so much, I ended up getting a mold and a stamp set - I wanted to buy everything.

Then we went and got ice cream at Phalika Thai.
I was so hot out - what a gorgeous day.

I decided to order some food from them as well, I got the Basil Pork and some Coconut Rice to go - I figured I'd have it for supper when we got home.
Jason got the Green Curry and some Coconut Rice as well.

We made a few more stops then we hit the road for home.
It was after 9 when we got home, it was a full day.

I was thinking of heading up to the lake to visit Bonnie and Nadine tomorrow but sounds like it is supposed to rain so I think I'll get started on Freya's room instead.

I picked up paint in the city so I'm good to go.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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