Saturday 1 July 2023

Living Sky Cafe, Fable Ice Cream, Mexican Bakery and Crave Appetite - Until Next Time Saskatoon (June 25, 2023)

We got up, got ready and headed out for another run this morning.

I didn't want to look at my fitbit because it can sometimes be discouraging if I haven't gone as far as I think I have so instead I decided to run a certain number of songs.
The last little bit was tough for me but I ran over 6k so I felt really good about that.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
I was hot and sweaty but also feeling good and proud.

I had a bit of a walk back but I didn't mind because the scenery was beautiful

Next time we come, I want to bring our kayaks too - it looks so nice and peaceful.

There are some very fancy houses along the river.

I met up with Jason, he had a bit more to run to - he did a 10k this morning.

Some of his pictures from his run - he went over to the other side of the river.
He said it took him right by all these fancy houses so after we checked out we went over and took a drive by them to have a look.

This was the bridge he crossed over - I crossed it too but I just came right back - Jason ran down to a different bridge to cross back over.

The pedestrian bridge is underneath the vehicle bridge and there is a train bridge right next to it.
When I was going across, there was a train and this little boy in a stroller waved to the train the whole entire time.
It was cute.

Random sign.

We walked back to the apartment together and packed up.
We had to be out of there by 11 and I think it was exactly 11 when we left.

We found a spot to go for breakfast in the downtown area.
It was in this old brick building - not very obvious but we found it.

It was called Living Sky Cafe.

Looking forward to having a nice breakfast.

It was nice inside - I liked the decor.
They had little booths too that fit one person - I like that because I love a booth.

They had all kinds of antiques on display all around the restaurant.

The was a ledge all around the top of the wall with a bunch more pieces on display.

I ordered the cheesesteak sandwich and it came with a beet salad.

There were all kinds of goodies in the sandwich.
I liked it but I didn't love it.
I only ate half of it.

Jason got the chicken and waffles and it came with a side of kimchi.
I thought I would like kimchi but sadly I don't.

Haylee wants to redo Freya's bedroom so I've been looking for ideas.
I found some wallpaper I like but it's expensive to do a whole room so maybe sections like this would work.

Or just doing a chair rail and painting the bottom with wallpaper at the top is another option.

I wanted to go to Suzy Sheir and buy myself a sun dress and there was a mall nearby so we walked over to it.

I found two sundresses that I liked and changed into one of them right away after I bought it.

There was a little store that we passed on the way out that had lots of things that I liked.
Some ideas for some signs.

They had these moon pendants with the moon in all different stages - they were pretty but pricey.
You look up which stage the moon was in when you were born and buy that one but they didn't have mine.
I wouldn't have gotten one anyway.

Just some more signs I liked.


This would be a good sign to make.

Good for a garden.

Jason liked this one.

Jason saw a little Pikachu backpack he thought Freya might like.

We walked around the downtown a bit more and checked out some more of the murals and artwork.

I noticed this monster girl on a fan so we went to get a closer look.

There were a bunch of the little creatures all around on the wall.

I like the three eyes.

I like that they aren't symmetrical. 

People have such great imaginations,.

These two had graffiti over them unfortunately. 

I think it takes a lot of talent to draw such beautiful artwork on such a large scale.

There I am in my new dress.

The back alleys were full of murals.

This was a cool one.

I love murals in a downtown area like this - it just makes it so interesting.

A few more.

This one was on a smaller scale but still cool.

Random statue.

After we walked around the downtown area we decided to get an ice cream before hitting the road for home.

We found a spot called Fable Ice Cream not too far away that makes their own ice cream so we headed over there.

You can't really see what the art on the door is but you can see our reflections in there.

It is a new spot and it was really spacious and clean.

I like the animal 'trophies' on the wall.

Have any truer words ever been spoken?

These were the flavors they had to choose from.
I marked red beside my choices and blue beside Jason's.

I tried a bit of Jason's spruce flavored ice cream and it did have the hint of spruce but it was good.

I was looking forward to my rhubarb but ended up liking the Raspberry Goat Cheese better.
It was a delicious treat.

There was a Mexican Bakery just around the corner so we checked it out.
We've tried lots of Mexican bakeries and I normally don't end up being a big fan but I'm always willing to give it another try.

The lady in there was SO nice and friendly.

Jason picked a chocolate danish type thing.
I normally find Mexican baked goods on the dry side - this was not but still not my favorite.

I got this Rosca that they actually posted on their Instagram about today.
I did really like it but I only had a small piece since I'd already had an ice cream.

Jason tried the Horchata which basically tasted like cinnamon milk.

After our treat we decided it was time to hit the road.
It's a 5 hour drive back to Edmonton and that's with no stopping which we can't seem to do.

We were starting to get hungry about 4 hours in so we looked for a spot to stop and have some supper and found this place in Vegreville that had good reviews, Crave Appetite.

It was inside of a hotel and didn't look very promising from the outside.
You can't judge a book by it's cover though so we figured we ought to give it a chance and we were so glad that we did because it ended up being a gem.

They had a beef and barley soup so we both got a cup of it for a starter and OMG - it was fantastic.
I could have eaten a bucket of it.

Next up we shared a taco salad.

And a donair quesadilla.
Our meal was great - the service was really great too.
Our waitress was friendly, attentive and it was just overall a great experience.
We don't get to Vegreville often but honestly I'd come back just to go here.

Then it was back on the road - the sun was starting to set as we were arriving to Edmonton.
I took tomorrow off so that we could do some car shopping so we are staying in the city tonight.

We stayed at the Coast downtown like usual and they had these pink and black lights that I thought would look perfect in Freya's bedroom.
Haylee wants it to be pink and black and a little glam.
I'll be on the hunt for these now but in a smaller version.

Back in Swan Hills Grandma Crystal was keeping the girls busy painting rocks.


Looks like they painted a few.

Then they added them to the snake rock someone started by the community garden - what a great idea!


That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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