Monday 1 March 2021

New Hoodies and I Think XL Is Actually Too Big For Me Now, What? (Feb.26, 2021)

 Yay, it's Friday - still my favorite day of the week even though the days lately all are starting to feel the same.

We got more snow overnight so at lunch I went out to shovel.
This is the before picture (I forgot to take an after).
Got quite a few steps in from shoveling and it was so lovely out that I didn't want to go back inside, but I did.

At the end of the afternoon I stopped down to the office to pick up a parcel I had there.
Bonnie happened to be there picking up a parcel too so we got to have a little visit.
It was so nice catching up, I haven't seen her or talked with her in so long.
We are both feeling over this whole Covid thing and just longing for life to get back to normal.

The parcel I picked up was a couple of hoodies I ordered for myself.
I went with the XL because in the past when I've ordered clothing online, I've found it to be on the small side.

In this case though, I think I could have went with the L but I still like them.
(I see my mirror needs cleaning again).

I like the two tone color of this one.

The sleeves are a bit long but that's ok.

The back view.

I still needed a few steps so I went down and hopped on the treadmill.
I wanted to do the 1 and 1 workout but I hadn't just worked on endurance for a while so that's what I did.
I just jogged straight for 20 minutes or so starting at 4.0 and working up to 4.6 for the speed.

Felt good to get it done.

This evening I worked on another page in my 50 x 50 book.

I've been wanting to make Freya a family photo album book for sometime now, she just loves looking at pictures.
It is really time consuming to look for pictures but I just need to do it already before she grows up!

These letters are meant to be polaroids.
I was happy with how it turned out.

When Jason got home from work, we watched todays episode of WandaVision.
Only 1 more episode left after this - I'm going to be so sad - I'm really enjoying it.

Still on the look out for wreath ideas - I like this one.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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