Tuesday 9 March 2021

Finger Painting and Spring Bread (Mar.6, 2021)

Jason got up early and headed out for his run this morning.

When he got home, I decided to head out and he offered to come with me.

Right before we left, Kody called and said that Freya was asking to come over already so we said we'd drop by when we were done our walk/jog.

I did some jogging on the route, Jason did too - I just got him to stay behind me because he's much faster and I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up to his pace.

After a pretty good workout, we stopped by to pick up Freya.

She was happy to see us and we were happy to see her.

We hadn't brought a stroller with us so she had to walk part of the way and she thought that was great.

For a bit anyway - then she wanted Papa to carry her.

Good thing he's so strong!
It's a pretty good arm workout that's for sure.

It was kind of a nice day out there - I sure am looking forward to spring.

When we got back to the house, I took a quick bath and Papa got Freya all set up to do some painting.

She just loves pouring and mixing things together.

He gave her little dishes each with a separate color but by the time she was done, they all looked like the same color.

Finger painting with Papa.

What lovely work!
I'm going to make a stencil of her name to go on it once it dries and let her paint that in whatever color she wants.
Then it will be a nice piece of artwork for her room.

I had to run down to the store for a few things so I took the opportunity to wear my new jacket.
I picked it up while we were in the city at Costco.
I just love the color - it feels so spring like!

Side view.

Back View.

Papa and Freya did some backing this afternoon.
They made spring bread.

I think Jason has done this with all the kids.
Side Note - we bought her a couple of little dresses and we actually convinced her to try one of them on, this one she is wearing here.
Old Navy for $5.00 - what a great deal!

He gave her her own little rolling pins to use.

Along with some dough of her own to knead and prepare.
She wanted the big rolling pin.

She was very serious about it.

Making spring dough with Papa.

Ready to go in the oven.

Jason made the loaf and the little odd shaped ones are Freya's.

Cutting into the bread - you never know what pattern you are going to get inside.

Pretty - the kids are always quite impressed.
It smelled heavenly too and I could not resist.
I just had to have a slice - so I had the heel, my favorite.

Freya is so much fun and we just love spending time with her and she's been saying some funny things lately that I don't want to forget about.

The other day she and Jason were playing and she just looked at Jason and said 'Don't start with me'.

She's also started saying 'I'm bored" - ha ha - she's a little young for that one I think.

Another funny thing she does is if she gets mad about something, like if I'm trying to give her kisses when she doesn't want them, she'll say 'Don't Do that, Ever Again!"

For a long time now she's been saying "Don looka me" (I spelled it the way it sounds when she says it) or "Don't see me".
This one is for when she hurts herself doing something we've told her not to or if she's using the potty - she really likes to have her privacy when she is having a poop (she doesn't care if it's just a pee).

She's also very into Monsters, Zombies and ghosts right now.
She will often tell Jason to "Be a tombie" (Be a zombie) or she'll come running up and get me to hide with her because "Ghost coming".

Such a great little imagination.
I'm so grateful that we have her and she lives nearby so that we can spend plenty of time with her and not miss any of these fun stages.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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