Thursday 18 March 2021

Sunshine Brings Out Big Smiles (Mar.16, 2021)

 I had a massage booked for this morning at 11 am.

I wouldn't normally do it during work hours but it was a make up for the one she cancelled last week and if I didn't take it, I would have had to wait a month for a new appointment.

I'll just work late today to make up for the hour that I missed.

So all morning, I went down and hopped on the treadmill for a couple minutes each hour just to get some steps in because I knew I wouldn't be going for a walk at lunch time.

I did walk down to my appointment though and it was lovely out there!
The massage was lovely too, it's so nice to be able to treat myself to one each month.

When I got back home, I made myself a breakfast platter since I hadn't eaten yet.
So good.

Adrien & Mel had to go to WCT so after school they dropped the kiddos off to my place.

I worked a bit late but when I was finished, I talked the kids into going for a walk since it was so nice out.
I bribed them with a treat at the store (Hunter chose popsicles as usual) and then we also stopped and picked up Freya so they could all play together.

It was a lovely day for a walk.

Wearing her cool shades again.

She was looking for puddles to jump in again - they all were.

Got them to sit for a picture.
Sunshine sure brings out smiles doesn't it!

My cutie pie.

Hunter had gone in ahead of us but I convinced him to come back out for a picture.

He even smiled a great big smile for me too - it's usually hard to get him to do so.

I had slow cooked salsa chicken all day then I cooked quinoa and cut up a bunch of veggies so that we could make freshii or budha bowls for supper.
They were delicious.

When Jason got home, he and the kids had a dance party in the living room.

Everyone knows it isn't a great dance party unless all attendees are wearing cool shades.

I took some videos of them but when I looked at it to post - they are all black - you can't see a thing.
Guess I'm not the best camera man.

Hunter didn't want to go home when Adrien came to pick them up but he has school in the morning so he had to.
We promised him a trip to the city though as soon as things start re-opening and we can do some fun things together.

When Kody came to pick up Freya, we just told him to leave her for the night.
She wanted to stay and we wanted to have her.
He stayed and had supper with us and visited for a bit.

She wanted Jason to be a zombie and eat my toes.
I love her little voice - it sounds so adorable.
I just want to remember the way she says things and how cute they sound.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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