Thursday 25 March 2021

Will Winter Ever Be Gone? (Mar.23, 2021)

 Good Morning!

Had a delicious brunch while working this morning.
Yum yum.

Jason and Freya had a little dance party when they got up.

At lunch we headed out for a walk with Freya.
She walked for the first part then got in her stroller for the rest but still wanted to stand up and see what was going on.

She's learned how to say her full name and it's so darn cute!

After lunch, I headed to the office to work for the afternoon, the REAL office.
I had to print a few things off and look up something in a file.
Bonnie and Blair are both back at the office now so I got to see them and chat a bit which was nice.

After work, Jason and I walked up to the mechanic shop to pick up his truck and so I could get the rest of my steps in.
It was chilly enough out there for me to have to wear my winter coat again.

Would you believe it started snowing on the way home?
I was so hoping we were done with it (deep down inside I knew we weren't)

I am so over winter - I just want it to be done.

Hopefully it doesn't stick!

There is an immersive Van Gogh exhibit coming to Edmonton so I got tickets for Kody, Haylee, Freya, Jason and I to go.
I'm looking forward to it.

We had fish for supper - I've been really good with tracking my points and staying within my dailies both yesterday and today.
I really want to make it into the 180's - that's my next goal.

Jason is back to work in the am so we had an early night.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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