Wednesday 3 March 2021

Projects, Books and Cuddles (Mar.2, 2021)

 I weighed myself this morning (not officially so no picture) and I was down a little more, Yay!

I normally try to only weigh once a week but I was just feeling like I might be down so I wanted to check but I didn't take a picture.

I don't want to get in the habit of weighing every day - I think once a week is plenty.

This morning's breakfast platter.
I love raw turnip - so yummy.

At lunch I went out for a walk.
There is a lot of snow down and it hasn't been plowed so I didn't bother trying to run - it's hard to do it in the slushy snow.
I can't wait to try running when the snow is gone - I'm hoping it will be much easier.

After work, I went out and did a bit of shoveling.
It hadn't snowed any more but it was windy so a lot of snow had drifted into the driveway and sidewalk so I wanted to clean that up.

When I finished the shoveling, I got to work on a couple projects.
I finished up this wreath.

I want to make more springy versions but I couldn't find any ribbon last time I looked.
So I tried putting some of the burlap in a mixture of bleach and water to see if I could turn it white but it didn't work.

I'll have to come up with another idea.
I want to make more wreaths but I want to stop buying more craft stuff and try to use up what I have here already.

I picked this up yesterday to paint a decorative metal piece I have hanging above my bed.

I forgot to take a before picture but this little section is the original color.

This is after the first coat.
I normally would have done it white but I plan on painting the walls white so I wanted it to be a different color.
It's still pretty close to white, ha ha - guess that's my favorite color these days.

After finishing up my projects, I had a bath and started a new book,
The Home For Unwanted Girls.
I only made it a couple of chapters in but it seems really good so far.

Paddington and I did some cuddling.

He just snuggles right in - I love it!

I had left over soup for supper again.

I made so much of it, I'm going to be eating it for days!

Just a few funnies for you for today from my social media perusing.

Not fooling around!

This is so me!


That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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