Monday 15 March 2021

Just Me and My Girl (Mar.12, 2021)

I'm so glad it's Friday!

I had another morning full of meetings so again it flew right by, which was nice but I had a lot of work I needed to do so I had a busy afternoon shaping up too.


Kody needed to run to Whitecourt to pick up so new boots so he asked if I would mind keeping Freya while he went.
Of course I didn't - no sense making her sit in the car for a couple hours to do something she wouldn't even like anyway.
So he dropped her off at lunch time.
She immediately asked for a hot bubba.

Making faces for the camera.

She's so silly.


Ha ha - big eyes.

She was saying 'Where's my Papa' as soon as she came in.
He wasn't available for a call so we made him a video message to send instead.

Haylee posted another photo of her brown locks - I'm really digging them.

I had a lot of work I needed to get done in the afternoon so Freya sat with me and 'helped' me.

First though - we had to make funny faces.
It was a bit more difficult to get work done with her help but I managed.
I gave her some paper so she could stamp things and I have an extra keyboard I let her use so she could do her 'work' and that kept her entertained long enough for me to get everything done that I needed.

After I finished work - we cuddled on the couch and watch "Chip & Potato" - a new show she discovered.

I get a lot more one on one time with her when it's just the two of us and I love it!

I had planned on going out for a walk it was a bit on the cold side to take Freya out there so instead I did Leslie Sansone walking videos on You Tube until I got my 12,000 steps in.
Freya does them with me and it's so cute.
She's seen me do them so many times that she know some of the moves now and just does them.

Kody came back to pick her up but I told him to just leave her for the night.
She had fallen asleep and so I didn't want to wake her.
I sure hope that doesn't mean she'll be up all night tonight.

She slept for about an hour so she was raring to go when Jason got home from work.
She was so excited to see him too.
They played in the basement all evening.

We have an extra mattress down there and the kids like to jump on it.
So that's what she did - all evening.
It's a great way for them to expend some energy.

It was a bit later when we finally hit the hay but she was asleep before midnight so that was good.

As a Downton Abbey fan - I can appreciate the humour in this.

This one made me giggle.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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