Monday 8 March 2021

New Glasses and Pizza Treat (Mar.4, 2021)

There was a problem with the app that we use to log in to our work computers remotely this morning so nobody was able to log in.

I had to stick close to my computer though in case they got it fixed.

I spent the morning working on Freya's photo album though so that was good.

It's getting there!

It was around 11:30 when the app issue was finally resolved and I was able to get in and do some work. 

At lunch time, Jason and I and Freya all went out for a walk.

We were pushing her in her carriage/stroller but usually about a third of the way in, she wants out to walk.
Which she does for a bit and then for the last third, she normally wants to be carried.

Thankfully Jason has big strong arms and is able to do that for her.
I've tried it and she gets heavy quickly!

I had a couple meetings for work this afternoon so it flew by and I left a bit early as we were heading to the city for the night and I wanted to stop in to Barrhead on the way and pick up my new glasses.

What do you think?

I feel like the color is a bit bold and will take a bit of getting used to but I do like them.

Jason booked us a room downtown on the other side of the river for two reasons, it was near Sepps for pizza and the river valley for us to walk in the morning.

We checked in and there was a nice big mirror in the room so I figured I'd take my selfies.
This is a new top I got last trip to the city and I just love it.

Side view.
I was feeling really good today.

Finally, the back view.

After we checked in, we ordered our pizza.

I've been looking forward to this treat since the last time that we ate here.
It was literally a block away from our hotel so that was awesome.

This time we tried the Funghi, it had mushrooms, yukon gold potatoes and gorgonzola cheese.

and the Meatlovers which was loaded up with meats, some of which they make themselves in house.

Both were good, the Funghi was our favorite of the two, but so far, the Double Pepperoni was our favorite.

Excited to be having a treat.

We both were!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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