Tuesday 30 March 2021

Another Weigh In Milestone (Mar.29, 2021)

I really wasn't sure what to expect from my weigh in this morning.

I knew I'd been following plan all week and tracking like I should but after weighing yesterday and being up, I was kind of nervous. 

Needless to say, I was pretty happy when I stepped on the scale.
189.2 lbs.
I don't remember the last time that I've been in the 180's- it's been years.
Now I am not going to weigh myself in again until next Monday - if I'm up I know it will deflate me so it isn't worth it.
The number on the scale isn't everything.

So that's a 3 lb loss this week for an overall total of 83.8 lbs lost.
Things have slowed down but they are still moving and I'm happy with that.

I think hitting the 180's is a pretty good milestone so I wanted to make a point of getting my selfies in.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

I made myself a yummy breakfast platter.

Then I hopped on the treadmill at lunchtime.

I did the 1 minute walk 1 minute jog workout but I kept the jog at a 4.0.
It's a pretty good workout - I get a sweat on but it's not so intense that it causes my tail bone injury to get flared up.

A friend on Facebook posted that they were having lunch at this restaurant in Edmonton that has East Coast grub so I'm definitely going to make a point of checking it out.

I took mom up to the hospital this afternoon so she could get some bloodwork done then I headed to the office for the rest of the day so as I had a bunch of stuff I needed to print off.

Bonnie was there so we got to catch up a bit which was nice.
I sure miss seeing everyone and hanging out with my friends.

Jason ended up getting home really late tonight so we had a late supper then watched the first episode of Behind Her Eyes.

I want to see if he can figure out the twist on his own - he's usually pretty good with that kind of stuff.
It's fun to watch now that I know the twist and I can pay attention to everything that is happening with a new perspective.

This beautiful girl had a birthday today.
(I took this picture of her back in 2010, her and this project she did for school).

She and Tanner went to the city for the night to celebrate so I didn't get to see her but I'm having everyone over for supper on Wednesday night and we'll all celebrate with her then.
I'm so proud of the young lady she has become and I love her just like she was my own daughter.

My sentiments exactly!

Ha ha ha.
Coming from a large family, we've all gotten together and discussed just this very thing before and I still am not sure that I understand.
Does anyone really know?

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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