Tuesday 2 March 2021

Weigh In Day - Just Crawling Along (Mar.1, 2021)

Weigh in day! 

I was 193.4 lbs.

That's down .8 lbs from last week and an overall total of 79.6 lbs lost now.
I feel like the weight loss is just crawling along recently but at least it's still going.
It may take me a long time to reach my goal but I'm going to do it!

Breakfast was a couple eggs and some carrots, cucumber and apple.
I'm running out of fruits and veggies - going to have to take a run to the store.

Since I didn't have to do any shoveling today, I was able to head out at lunch for a walk/jog.
I jogged a good part of the way, pretty much all the flat or downhill portions.
Now I just need to conquer the hills!

Figured I'd take my selfies while I was at it.
Side view.

Back view.

Jason was working on something for work.
He cracks me up.

An oldie that my exes niece posted today of her, Kody (my son) and Durell.
I used to babysit Durell and Courtney spent a lot of time at my place when Kody was first born.
Such a cute picture.
This yellow container I had for a toy box.
It was on wheels and Kody used to push it around all over the place - it's what helped him to start walking.

My niece, Morgan, stopped by today and I helped her file her taxes.
We couldn't complete them because she was missing one slip and I probably spent the better part of an hour trying to get her set up with a CRA account so that we could get the information from there.

I just could not get it to work for whatever reason.
I was about to quit then decided to give it one more try and lo and behold, it worked.
However, she had to wait for a code to be mailed to her so we still couldn't access the data.
Oh well - as soon as we get it, I just need to punch the numbers in and it will only take a minute or two then everything will be ready to go.

Another friend posted this on Facebook and it's captures exactly how I've been feeling lately.
Most days are fine and things aren't really that bad but then out of nowhere I just have a day where I long for things to go back to normal.

This just made me giggle so thought I would share.

After work, I walked down to the store to pick up some fruits and veggies (plus I needed to get a few more steps in).
I checked the mail too and wouldn't you know it, the slip we needed for Morgan just happened to be there in the mail.

So when I got back home, I was able to finish up her taxes and send them in.

I didn't make anything for supper - there is still tons of the soup I made on the weekend left over so I just had that.
It was a good day for soup.

Oh yeah, guess what else happened on my walk home.....
Big giant snowflakes too and it was coming down fast.

I thought of going out and shoveling before Jason got home but it was snowing so much I knew it would just be a waste of my time.

When Jason did get home, it had stopped so he ended up shoveling.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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