Tuesday 23 March 2021

Weigh In Day - Two Steps Forward, One Step Back (Mar.22, 2021)

Weigh in day.

I was so hoping for a loss so I was disappointed to see a gain on the scale instead.
I was hoping pizza day didn't send me off the rails and really it shouldn't have.
But if I'm being honest, I had a few days that I didn't track and while I think I did ok, I probably did go over.
Also, even with tracking pizza day, I went over my weekly points by 3 and I don't think I captured everything so I guess it's understandable.

So that's a gain of .6 lbs this week.
I kind of feel like it's been two steps ahead, one step back but I'm still down 80.8 lbs overall so I'm getting there albeit slowly.

I was curious to see how love I'd gotten before so I had a look back at my WW weigh in's over the years.
I could only look back to 2012 though - the other times I did WW before that were all on paper.
Since 2012 though, it looks like the lowest I got to was 191.8 back in April of 2013.
I'm right there and about to surpass that so that feels really good and put things into perspective for me.

It's funny how self image works.
Some days I look at myself and think I look great.
Then other days, like today, I look at myself and think I look like I'm fat and getting fatter.
I know the number on the scale factors in and I know it's just my mind playing tricks on me.
I look just like I did yesterday when I felt great.

Being able to understand that and to talk kindly to myself and remind myself how far I've come is really important on this journey and I'm learning to do just that.

I made myself a great breakfast.

At lunch time I hopped on the treadmill (It has turned cold outside again).
I did a 1 and 1 workout again, started at 4.0 and worked up to 6.5.

Got my sweat on and feeling great.

Right until I walked upstairs and the pain in my back flared up immensely.
I think working out like that might have triggered it, I'm not sure, or maybe the ibuprofen was wearing off.
I took some more and went back to work.

Kody & Haylee had to go pick up a table in Barrhead so they dropped Freya off to stay with us while they went.

As soon as she came in, she wanted to sing again and have me record her.
So I did of course.
She's such a little entertainer.

I guess Mama is the prettiest but Freya is the best!

Jason played with her all afternoon while I worked.

Kody and Haylee came to get her when they got home but she wanted to spend the night so we let her.
She ended up falling asleep and having a nap around supper time.
Jason made us his famous pasta for supper, it was so good.

When Freya woke up, she was a bit fussy.
Jason was going to pop down and get milk because we were almost out and she insisted that she wanted to go too.
So we all got ready and went to the store.
We let her pick out a few things then went for a little drive around town and by the time we got back home she was back to her happy, content little self.

Jason made her spicy noodles and a hot bubba and she was all set.

She ate the whole bowl of noodles - impressive!

It was hard to get her to go to bed since she'd napped so late and once in bed, she just wasn't going to sleep so we had a bit of a late night.
That nap might not have been the best idea but eventually she did go to sleep.
We just love having her and spending time with her - a little less sleep is something we can live with.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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