Thursday 11 March 2021

My Breakfast Buddy (Mar.10, 2021)

 Jason was back to work today so it was a quiet day at the 'office'.

Made myself a lovely breakfast plate.

I did get a visitor though - Professor Snuggles.

He joined me for breakfast.

I shared my deli turkey with him and he loved it.

We got another dump of snow last night so on my lunch hour I went out and shoveled.
I remembered to take a 'Before' picture but then forgot to take an 'After'.
It was a lot of work!

I had a few things I needed to print off so I headed down the my actual office this afternoon and worked from there for a couple of hours.
Sharon just happened to be working there too as she was having issues with her computer at home so we got to visit a bit.
It was nice to catch up, feels like forever since I've seen anyone.

I saw this top on Facebook the other day and really liked it.
I searched through my feed for at least an hour last night looking for it again but do you think I could find it.
NO, I could not.
Then this morning when I looked at my phone, it popped up first thing.
I really like the style of the shirt and I was trying to decide if I liked it $59 dollars worth.
I decided today that I do not, mainly because I still plan on losing a lot of weight so I'm going to wait until I reach my goal to go on a really good shopping spree.
Ha ha
I'm so cheap.

This was posted on a family Facebook page.
The nun in the center is my great aunt, Sister Dina.
I think I may have met her once.
I'm not exactly sure what the outfits are that the other two are wearing.
Kind of a neat old picture.

I never thought about it like that but you know, it does make sense kind of.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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