Monday 29 March 2021

Winter Continues On (Mar.25, 2021)

 It wasn't very nice out there today - snowing and blowing.

Where oh where art thou spring?

I didn't want to go out in the nasty weather so I hopped on the treadmill at lunch time instead.
I didn't do any jogging because I didn't want to cause the pain in my tailbone to flare up.
Unfortunately, the steps don't rack up as fast when you are just walking.

Still got a start to them anyway and felt good about it.

The wind died down so after work, I went for a walk to the store.

I can't believe that just last week I thought spring was here and now I'm all decked out in all of my winter gear again.

We just had our bikes out too and now everything is covered in snow again.

And it's STILL snowing!
It was the big flaky kind so even though I'm more than ready for it to be spring, it was a nice walk.

After supper, Kody brought Freya over for a visit.

She's actually posing for pictures for me now when I ask.

As soon as Jason got home from work, she wanted to go 'upstairs' as she calls it but it's actually downstairs in the basement.
She loves jumping on the mattress down there.

She was pretending that this was her camera.
I love that she has such a great imagination.

Say Cheese!
She loves chasing games whether she's the one chasing or being chased.
Gets her using up lots of energy too!

A selfie with Grandma before heading home.
She really wanted to spend the night and I really wanted to let her but Jason is working in the morning and I'm getting up super early and heading to the city to get a hitch installed on our vehicle so she had to go home with Daddy.
We both hate seeing her cry so it's tough on us but I know she'll be just fine.

Haylee completed a big project over at their place this week.
Here is the before pictures.

Everything taped off and ready to go.

She went with this pinky/coral color that I actually kind of like.

The new shower curtain really goes well with it.

Today was Ozzy's birthday - he turned 1!

This is when they first brought him home.

And today - he's a pretty big fellow - big softie though.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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