Monday 15 March 2021

Puddle Hunting (Mar.13, 2021)

 We slept in until about 8 this morning.

I made myself a coffee and Freya a hot bubba then we cuddle on the couch for bit.

Took some selfies.

Recorded a message to send to Papa.
Good Morning Papa!

He was hard at work making a chocolate peanut butter pie for tomorrow's bbq.

I wore my new size 14 jeans today.
I am still so stoked that I fit in them.
To be perfectly honest, if they weren't size 14 and they hadn't been 15.99, I likely wouldn't have gotten them because they aren't really my style.
They are tight fitting and a light color which isn't my favorite but they are comfortable and most of the other jeans I have are really too big and falling off when I wear them so they'll do for now until I get out for that shopping spree I'm planning.

It was a gorgeous day outdoors so Freya and I got ready and headed out for a walk.

She looked so springy today.

We walked down to the store and I got her some cheesies.
Then we stopped at the Hardware and she was determined that I was going to get her a stroller for her dolls.
She already had two just at my house so I didn't really want to get another and it took some convincing but I finally convinced her to pick something elese.
She choose a pink puppy.


It was so nice when we got back to the house that we didn't want to go it.
Just wanted to stay out in the sun and enjoy it.
She saw a fly crawling around on the ground and was fascinated by it.

She watched it for quite a while.

Then when she couldn't see it anymore, she became quite concerned.

She was finding all kinds of interesting things - likes sticks and rocks.
You know, things kids love.

She walked up and down the driveway a few times.
The snow is just a melting which makes me so happy.

Until finally she decided she wanted to go in.

You coming Grandma?

Cheesie puss!
This is the puppy she picked out - couldn't wait to get it out of the package.
It takes batteries, it is supposed to shake or something but it wasn't working.
No biggie though, she still likes it.

We tried to call Papa but he was busy so instead we played around with some of the filters on Messenger for a bit until Papa was able to call us.

Snatched by an alien.
She loved this one.

Freya Monster

Tears of Gold.

Look of Love.

Kody dropped by to pick up Freya when he was done work but she didn't want to go with him just then.
So I offered to walk her home and she thought that was a great idea.

The snow melting was making big puddles and Freya wanted to walk through the center of every one of them.
I just let her - she was enjoying herself.

The walk home became a hunt for puddles.
She was pretty soaked by the time we did reach her house.
I even had to dump the water out of her boots.
I could hear it sloshing around in there when we were walking and I'm sure it wasn't all that comfortable.

After I dropped her off - I went on my usual walk to get my steps in.
I was thoroughly enjoying the weather.

I didn't feel like cooking today so I ordered chicken donairs and caesar salad for supper.
It was a delicious treat.

My cousin Erin shared some pictures of Ethan and Declan from when she stayed with my sister for a while a few years back.
They are so itty bitty and so darn cute.

Declan was such a little charmer.

Ethan too.
They were so cuddly and cute.

Keeping those lips kissable.

Aww - I just want to squeeze him.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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