Monday 1 March 2021

Mother Nature - Enough With The Snow Already! (Feb.28, 2021)

Jason had to go to work this morning but Freya and I had a nice little sleep in until 8 am.

First thing she requested when we got up was a hot bubba. 

Selfies with Grandma.

She wanted to video chat with Jason so we did and had fun playing around with some of the filters.

Ha ha.

She was being so silly.

I think this one is my favorite - cracks me up.

Her favorite was this little alien one.
She was determined to catch the little guy.

Even had me try to catch him for her.

We had a pretty chill morning, she watched Peppa Pig and I read my book that I started yesterday.

It was snowing so I really wanted to get out there and shovel but she didn't want me to go out.

I convinced her to come out with me but that didn't last long.

Haylee came to get her around lunch time - I was sad to see her go so early.

It meant I was able to get out there and shovel though.
It just kept snowing and snowing the whole time.
I went over everything twice, I think I was out there for about two hours.
By the time I came in - you could barely even tell that I'd been out there, it was all covered in again.

My hat was just caked in snow.

I was chilly so I hopped in the bath and stayed in there for a looooong time.
I finished reading the book I started yesterday - I quite enjoyed it.

I had made soup for supper yesterday so I had a bowl of that for lunch and supper.

It finally stopped snowing after supper so at 6:30 I decided to head out and do some more shoveling.
I wanted to get the driveway cleared before Jason got home.

I spend another hour out there clearing everything again - It was a nice evening, no wind so I was enjoying it.
Would have been a nice evening for a walk.

It was dark when I finished up and I had a chill again.
So I went inside and made myself a decaf coffee to warm myself up.

Jason ended up working late, it was close to 9 when he got home.
We watched some Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives before heading to bed.
Just makes me want to travel so badly!

Back to the grind tomorrow!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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