Tuesday 9 March 2021

A Not So Great Weigh In Day (Mar.8, 2021)

 Today was weigh in day.

I was expecting to be down at least a bit so I was super disappointed when I stepped on the scale.

194.2 lbs.

That's up .8 from last week.
I just keep bouncing around here in the 190's and I so want to get out of them.
I feel like I'm not making any progress.

It had me down in the dumps all morning, just berating myself for not working hard enough, or being careful enough with my choices.
I know in the grand scheme of things I've made so much progress and having treats every now and then shouldn't have such an affect on my weigh ins.
If it means I go a bit slower then so be it - It took until later in the afternoon to get out of my after weigh in funk but talking to Jason helped and I know I have to be kind to myself.

I fixed up a p0late of goodies for myself for breakfast/lunch.

I loaded up on pomegranate seeds when we went to Costco this weekend so I'll be eating them every day until they are gone.

Jason said it was a bit cold and windy outside so I opted to go on the treadmill at lunch time.
I did the 1 minute walk, 1 minute run workout.
I even managed to run a minute at 6.9 today and a minute at 7.0.
It was tough though.

I worked my way up to 7.0 then back down again and I had a pretty good sweat on by the time I was done.

After work, Jason and I headed to Whitecourt.
We didn't stop at the grocery store while were in the city and we needed fruit, vegetables and a few other staples like kitty litter and laundry detergent.

I was looking at Instagram and Kody made another post.
He is just loving Instagram.
He called this one "Just another day at the office".
It's my brother Adrien's picker truck and Kody works with him as his helper or 'swamper' as they are called.

We stopped in at Canadian Tire to look at bikes.
I decided to get one for Kody for his birthday which isn't until June but I just wanted to see what was available.
I didn't see anything I liked.

Then we hit up Dollorama.
Barb asked me if I could make three more wreaths and she gave me specific color palettes so I was looking for decor for them.

We made a stop at No Frills then finally we stopped at Walmart where we picked up the rest of what we needed.
The had whole roasted chickens on sale for $3.91.
What a deal!
We got four of them (the lady that works there who also just happens to be a friend of mom's, Kim ) told us that whatever was left over at the end of the night would go into the garbage.
So we bought 4 of them.

We figured we could just cut them in half and freeze them.
Jason could take them to work for lunches.

After we finished shopping, we were both hungry and had lots of points to use so we went to Subway.
It's been a long time since either of us have eaten there.
I used to get it for us for a treat every Friday but since my daily points allotment dropped so low, I got out of the habit of doing that.

I had the rotisserie chicken and I was only going to eat half and save the rest.
I knew it would get soggy though so I figured I'd just try a bit of the second half and I ended up devouring it.
It was so good.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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