Thursday 4 March 2021

Happy Birthday Ethan (Mar.3, 2021)

A very handsome boy I know is turning 11 today.

This memory of Ethan from 2017 popped up and I thought it was fitting for his birthday.

I can't believe how fast he is growing up.

We were visiting my sister and the boys and Jason took them out to fly a remote control plane he had and this is what the boys came back looking like.

Ha ha ha.

Jason says he has no idea how they managed it because he didn't even see any dirt where they went, it was a grassy area.


Jason walked down to the store after his run and saw this Birch Beer.
We both love it (but we didn't get any - kind of high in the points department).

Right at lunch, Kody and Haylee dropped Freya off so they could go to Whitecourt.
Jason was happy, he always looks forward to having her over as soon as he is on days off.

She was happy to be here too!

I sold my wreath that I just made.
A lady that had purchased one of my Christmas ones asked me to send pictures of my spring ones which I did and she liked it.
She dropped by at lunch to pick it up then I headed out for a walk/jog.
I only jogged a little - I had sweat pants on and they were falling down.

Jason bought Freya chocolate eggs full of filling you could eat and she smeared it on her face like it was cream.
Silly girl.

After work, I gave Ethan a call to wish him a Happy Birthday.

Got to say Hi to Declan too.

And my sister of course.
They are having cake today for Ethan's birthday then he is having a little party on the weekend with a few friends.
Their cat knocked the first cake she picked up off of the counter so she had to buy a second one.

I remembered to take my selfies today.
Front view.

Side view.

And Back view.

It was gorgeous out and we sure didn't want to miss out on that so we got ready and headed out for a walk.

We got Freya all set up and she wanted to take her boots off so I let her.
Then when we were almost there, she wanted to get out and walk and we realized that we'd lost one of her boots along the way somewhere.
So Jason had to carry her until we got to the store and got her cheesies and convinced her to get back in her carriage so she could relax and eat them.

Jason and I - just loving the nice weather.

We found Cinderella's other boot on the walk back home.

As soon as she saw it, she wanted them on so she could walk the rest of the way.

The walk from the end of our road to the house took a bit longer but we didn't mind because it was so nice out.
Days like this make me long for spring.

We had leftover soup for supper - still trying to get through it although we have made quite a dent.

A couple times after supper Freya looked like she was about to fall asleep but we managed to keep her awake until 8:30 when she finally did crash and we let her thinking she would likely sleep through the night at that point.

We put her in bed and I just sat and watched her for awhile.
They just look so vulnerable when they are sleeping and I look at her and think how much I love her and never want anything to hurt her or make her feel bad.
I want so many things for her but mostly, I just want her to know how deeply she is loved.
My girl!

My cousin Wendy posted this and I always think about making royal icing at Christmas time.
I might actually do it this year.

Another WW member posted this recipe for low point doughnuts.
Think I might give it a try.

If only this would work!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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