Wednesday 10 March 2021

Getting My Sweat On (Mar.9, 2021)

Another day at the home office. 

My breakfast platter.
Only 2 points for the whole thing, not too shabby!
I've really been cracking down on points and tracking since my weigh in yesterday.

It was cold out again today so treadmill work out it was!
I did the 1 and 1 workout again.
This time I worked my way right up to 7.1 and then worked my way back down.

It was a hard workout but I felt awesome when it was done.

Look at all that sweat equity!

Jason ran into Kody on his run and asked if Freya could come over so Kody dropped her off to visit for a bit.

She had to come down and find me.
She likes getting on the treadmill with me or playing around near it but I'm always afraid she's going to get hurt so Jason was trying to distract her.

He would pretend to 'get her' then she would want him to do it again.
Then she would say 'last time Papa' only to get him to do it again and again.

She really loves getting on top of the washer and dryer and pushing all the buttons because they kind of play little musical notes.
Jason always is with her and indulges her for as long as she wants.
No wonder she loves coming over because when she is here, it's all about her.
Which we are good with - we want to make her feel special and loved and to devote our energy to her when she is here.
Jason is especially good at this.

I took my selfies when I went back upstairs.
Front view.

Side View.

Back view.

I got back to work and Jason made Freya a snack.

She loves ramen noodles - spicy chicken is her favorite.

She can eat a whole bowl of this stuff.

I had a massage booked at 6pm so after work, I hopped in the shower to clean off all the sweat.

Jason had made a lemon crust to put on the chickens we picked up yesterday and he put them in the oven to warm up for supper.
Kody came to pick up Freya and had supper with us.

I had to leave as soon as I finished eating to get to my appointment and I wanted to walk down.
Just as I was getting there, I got a text message from Kerri saying that she had a terrible headache and had to cancel and reschedule.

I was kind of bummed because I was looking forward to it but wouldn't expect her to do my massage when she wasn't feeling well.

So we rebooked for next week and I walked back home.

Jason is back to work tomorrow so before bed, we went out to move the vehicles around and it was snowing again, yuck!

I was so happy to see that it was all melting and was so hoping for an early spring.

Looks like I'll be shoveling for my lunch time work out tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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