Thursday 18 March 2021

I'm Butt Hurt! (Mar.17, 2021)

Jason tried to get out for his run before Freya woke up but she got up early so ended up sitting with me while I worked just for a short time.

She found ways to entertain herself while I worked.

She's such a silly girl.

At lunch we got ready and headed out for a walk.
Freya wanted to walk so we let her.
It made for a slower walk but she was enjoying herself.

She walked along side of the stroller all the way down to the store but once we got her some cupcakes, we were able to convince her to sit in it so our walk could go a bit faster.

We took the long way around to walk home just so I could get some extra steps in.
Jason was pushing Freya in the stroller and I ended up slipping on ice and falling HARD on my butt/tail bone.
It hurt immensely.

She had to get back out and walk again when we hit our street but that was ok.
She's just rocking the hat!

After lunch, Kody and Haylee came and picked up Freya and took her home for a few hours.
She is staying again tonight but they'll bring her back later.

I was pretty much in pain for the rest of the day.
I could barely sit in my chair to work, I had to kind of perch on the edge.

Standing was ok and after work, Jason and I went for a nice long walk.
We ran into Sharon who started walking recently too and we chatted with her for a bit.
We walked down to the office so we scan some things then walked back home - it was a nice long walk.

When we got back home, Kody was there with Freya and he stayed and had supper with us.
Jason had made his adobe chicken and it was yummy.

Freya didn't really eat, kind of just entertained us while we ate.

I was in pain for the rest of the evening so we just went to bed early.
I sure hope this doesn't last very long!

Haylee and Freya took a Happy St Patrick's day photo today that she posted.

All decked out in her shades for Daddy.

Jason made sure to get Allan all ready to celebrate today.
Happy St Patrick's Day Everyone!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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