Monday 1 March 2021

If It Can't Be Spring Outside, Let's Make It Spring Inside (Feb.27, 2021)

Woke up to....You guessed it, more snow!


It wasn't a huge amount, just a skiff over everything but I've become really anal about keeping the driveway clean so as soon as I finished my coffee I was out there clearing it off.

I remembered to take the after picture this time - looks pretty good doesn't it?

Meanwhile, Jason was at work whipping up this banana cream pie for the guys tomorrow.
It looks delicious.

It was so nice out that I got ready and headed out for a jog/walk.

I went the route I normally go but in reverse as there seems to be a lot more down hill that way and I jogged as much of it as I could which was actually quite a bit.
I still have a hard time with hills and have to walk those but for the downhill or flat parts, I can jog for quite a long time.
I'm making progress!

When I got home, I was doing this and that around the house, laundry, dishes, cleaning out cupboards, purging.
I decided to put up the new shower curtain I'd picked up over the weekend.
This is the before.

This is the after.
I love how springy it feels.
I picked up paint for the bathroom too - I have a bunch of projects I want to do - I really need to focus and just get started on one already.
Maybe I'll make painting the bathroom my first one.

I also decided to put my new duvet on my bed and put up my new curtains.
I forgot to take a before picture but it was dark and blue and now it feels light and I love it.

I started a new book this afternoon, Little Girl Gone.
So far, it's really good.

While I was sitting reading, Paddington took the opportunity to get some cuddles in.

He's such a little love bug.

Freya was spending the night but it was a little later in the evening when Kody brought her over - they'd had a late supper.
She and I hung out until Papa got home then it was all about him and they went and played in the basement for an hour or so.
She loves it down there.

We went to bed early and Freya hadn't napped all day so she pretty much fell asleep right away which was unusual but nice.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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