Monday 29 March 2021

A Great Thriller (Mar.28, 2021)

 I got up when Jason was getting ready for work this morning and it felt good to be up nice and early.

I haven't seemed to be able to do that lately.

I made myself a coffee then looked for something to watch.

I remembered about Behind Her Eyes so checked it out.
I don't normally choose Thrillers as they scare me a bit but this was so good.
I watched four episodes before I was finally able to tear myself away.

Jason sent me pictures of the lunch he was working on for the crew today.
Ready to go in the oven.

All cooked.
I'm glad he made it there as opposed to home because I wouldn't be able to resist and I really want to have a good weigh in tomorrow.

Speaking of that, I've weighed myself every single day this week.
I try not to do that but after the gain on Monday, I just couldn't help myself.
I've been anywhere from  191.0 to 191.6 then suddenly this morning I was 193.2 so I really have no idea how tomorrow's weigh in is going to go.

I've been tracking all week, I barely used any of my weeklies so that part is good.
I didn't do any really hard workouts this week though as it seems to flare up my tailbone issue.
I think it's on the mend but it does still hurt and I just want it to heal so I've been being careful.

It was nice out there all morning so when I finally tore myself away from Behind Her Eyes, I got ready to go out for a walk.

I didn't get very far when a snow storm came up out of nowhere.

I thought I could soldier on but the snow was coming down fast and furious, I had to take my glasses off and I couldn't see a thing and it was so windy that the snow was actually hurting my face as it hit me so I had to cut my walk short and head home.

I was only out there in it for about 10 minutes and I came home looking like a snowman.
A little snowball even built up on my hoodie tie.

The sun was shining and it was so nice out just 20 minutes ago.

Now you can barely see down the street.

Looks like I'm probably going to have to shovel again.

Where oh where art though spring?
I long for you.

Since my walk outside was a failure, I went down and hopped on the treadmill.
I was happy about that because it meant I could watch another episode of Behind Her Eyes.
I alternated between 1 minute of walking and 1 minute of jogging but only at a 4.0 so as not to flare up my tailbone pain.

It was a pretty good workout actually - I worked up a good sweat and I got another episode watched and another started.
I realized that it was actually the last episode (there are only 6) so I went upstairs and finished watching the last episode.

I knew from the interview I'd listened to that there was a twist so I was trying to figure it out.
There was a twist and I didn't figure it out on my own but it was good.
I would highly recommend this show and oh, by the way, the actress was great.

I told Jason about it when he got home from work and I think he might watch it.
I'd like to watch it again myself now that I know the twist so we will watch it together.

I made myself a Freshii bowl for supper.

Kody brought Freya over for a visit when Jason got home from work.

They colored.

And played with stickers.

She really wanted to spend the night but Jason and I both have to work in the morning so she couldn't.
Safe to say when he goes on days off that she'll be staying though.

After they left, we got caught up on One Bite pizza reviews, watched a few YouTube clips of Broadway songs we liked including 'Hard To Be The Bard' from Something Rotten (I loved that show) before calling it a night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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