Friday 19 March 2021

Dentist and Melt Snow, Melt! (Mar.18, 2021)

 Well my butt was still hurting when I woke up this morning.

Not as much as last night so hopefully I'm on the mend.

Luckily it doesn't hurt when I'm standing so I'm still able to get my steps in.

We walked down to the store together at lunch time.

It was another nice day out there so the snow was melting away.


I can't wait until it's all gone.

Just a girl and her doll walking through the puddles.

They give out free cookies to the kids at the store so she and Jason went and got one.
She is so polite, we don't even have to remind her to say Thank You, she just does it on her own.

Ha Ha - Just a cool cat posing with her cookie.

I hadn't eaten all morning so my belly was kind of bothering me on the way down but I got myself a banana and some Pepto Bismol at the store so I was feeling much better on the walk home.

We didn't even bother taking the stroller today and she pretty much walked the whole way.

Kody came and picked her up when we got back to the house as I had a dentist appointment so had to leave work a bit early this afternoon.

Jason drove to WCT because I was unsure how comfortable I would be in the car due to my butt injury.

I'm glad he did.

Mom came with us too.

They dropped me at the dentist and headed to Walmart.

I had to get a couple of fillings.
I had a tiny little spot on one of my front teeth so they fixed it.
This is mid procedure.

All done!
I am weird, I actually like going to the dentist and getting my teeth taken care of.
It was really nice out in WCT - they barely have any snow left at all.
I still needed a bunch of steps so instead of getting Jason to come pick me up, I just walked over and met he and mom at Walmart.

I needed a few things there which I picked up.
We found a bike seat for Freya too for 70 bucks so we picked it up.
I was just looking at them online today and they were $200 plus so I think we got a pretty good deal.
I wish they had more than one of them, I would have got one for Kody too.
I plan on giving Haylee my old bike and buying one for Kody for his birthday so they can get out and do some biking as a family this year.

Before we headed home, we popped into IGA to get some supper to eat on the way home.
I got us pineapple, roast chicken, hummus, rice crackers and watermelon.
While in there, I ran into an old boss of mine, Dan.
It was really nice to see him - it's been a long time.
We got to chat for a few minutes - he was diagnosed with cancer since he left work but he is currently in remission and he is looking good so I was really happy to see that.

It's starting to be light out later which is wonderful.
It's nice to drive home at 7:30 and for it to still be light out as opposed to the middle of winter when you drive home at 4:30 and it's pitch black out there.

I didn't track my points today - I don't think I went over by much but sometimes if I wait until the end of the day, I just don't feel like doing it.
I really shouldn't do that.
Tomorrow I'm going to make sure to track my points properly.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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