Thursday 25 March 2021

Winter Wonderland (Mar.24, 2021)

Woke up to a winter wonderland out there.

I was not impressed!


I was considering putting my shovels away on the weekend but I guess it's good that I didn't.

I spent my whole lunch hour shoveling - a lot of snow came down last night.

This was the before.

This was the after.

It was a super busy day - I barely left my office and I barely even ate - I was so busy I forgot to make myself breakfast.
I grabbed some rice crackers at the end of the day then headed back out to shovel the rest of what I didn't get to at lunch time.
I ended up getting all of my steps in today just from shoveling.

When I finally finished up, I was chilled to the bone so I had a bath to warm up.

So I didn't have any supper ready when Jason got home - we ended up just having egg wraps.

You Tube hasn't been working the last couple of days but finally tonight we were able to get caught up on One Bite Pizza reviews.

Looking at Instagram I came across a new ramen place that I want to try - it looks super good.
Upon further investigation - I discovered it is actually in Calgary, not Edmonton but that's ok.
I'll keep it on the list and next time we go to Calgary, we'll check it out!

It was a pretty quiet day over here today - it's nice to have those every now and then.
My tailbone is still hurting from when I fell on it last week but not as much as it was at first.
So hopefully that means I'm on the mend.
I've been being careful about over exerting myself because I really don't want it to flare up again.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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