Tuesday 16 March 2021

Slowly Making Progress on Projects (Mar.14, 2021)

When I got up this morning, I got to work right away on some projects.

I got a couple of coats on these chairs for Freya to go with the table I just painted.
I'm pretty much out of the pink color so I'll have to wait until I can get to the dollar store to buy more before I can finish them up.

Then I settled in to watch some When Calls the Heart and worked on a couple of burlap wreaths.
I did a plain one.

Then I added a bit of purple into this one just for a pop of color.

Kody and Haylee had to go to the Fort to pick up Zepplyn and they left Freya with me so she wouldn't have to sit in the car for a couple of hours.

We were playing with the filters on Messenger again.
I got her to make a face like she was scared - ha ha.

If the hoodie was just a little bigger and you couldn't see her hair this one would be more realistic.
Still cute though.

She wanted to video chat with her Papa but he was busy cooking up a storm at work.

They had steaks.
This picture had my mouth watering.

Yum Yum.

His chocolate peanut butter pie looks fabulous too.
I told him NOT to bring home any leftovers as tomorrow is weigh in day and I am really trying my hardest to have a good weigh in.

I made lunch for Freya and I.
I made her an egg and she ate it all and even asked for another.
So I made her another and she ate that too.
I was amazed.
We had oranges and blackberries too.
This kid just loves blackberries!

I wasn't sure how long Kody was going to be and I really needed to get some steps in so she and I went out for a walk.

It was a bit colder today so the puddles had little skims of ice over them but she had fun cracking through them.

She was enjoying herself immensely.
It's nice to just let her have fun and not be in a rush to be anywhere.

When we did get back to the house, Kody was there waiting to pick her up.
So after they left, I headed back out as I still needed a bunch of steps. 

The nice weather yesterday melted a lot of the snow so some of the roads in town are clear and others look like this, ice covered.
It's pretty treacherous to walk on.

I just took my time though and was careful - I kind of wanted to run but then again, I didn't want to fall so I just walked today.

When I got home, Paddington was fast asleep in his spot on the top of the couch.
I love how he lays with his little paws crossed - so adorable.

I had leftovers for supper, fish, sweet potato, veggie sausage and salad.

I saw an ad for this app that kind of piqued my interest.
I have so many pictures - I really need to figure out something to do with them all.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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