Tuesday 9 March 2021

Edmonton River Valley and Size 14! (Mar.5, 2021)

Looking at Facebook this morning when I first got up and Mel posted these oldies of Alvia. 

Just look at those big beautiful eyes of hers.

And that curly curly hair that she still has today.
I miss her at this age - she was so fun.

Jason captured the sun coming up this morning from the window in our room.

Thought I'd take some pictures of the view from our room too.

We were on the 12th floor so it was nice.

The brown building is the hospital and it has a heli landing pad on the top which was busy last night - I thought it might keep me awake because it was loud - it didn't!

Me at the window of our room with a view.

I zoomed in from the window to get the shot of this art piece across the street.
Pretty cool.

We got ready to head out for a run/walk and I took my selfies before I left.
Front view.

Side View.

Jason getting ready.
He got a new top yesterday and I really like it.
It was only 10 bucks at Costco - he should have gotten a few more colors.

We headed out and it was only a short walk to the river valley.
We started jogging and I told Jason just to go ahead since he is much faster than I am.
It wasn't long before I couldn't seem him any more.

I was able to jog for the whole distance.
I started across the river kind of in the middle of this shot here all the way to the bridge off to the right that you can't see.

I thought I saw Jason on these stairs so I went over to do them.
My glasses were pretty fogged up so I couldn't really trust what I was seeing.

I got to the top and I didn't see Jason.
I wasn't sure if he had kept on going and I just couldn't catch him or if he'd gone another way.

I stopped to take a few pictures when I got to the top of the stairs then I figured out that I could cross the bridge that was right beside me, the High Level Bridge so that's what I did.
I jogged over it and the rest of the way back to our starting point where we'd agreed to meet at 10 am (we started at 9 am).

I couldn't remember the exact meet up spot so I kept going and ended up running into Jason coming from the other direction.
Turned out he hadn't gone on the stairs at all.
He'd jogged up to the next bridge after the one I crossed then turned and went back the way we'd come.

I know he likes bridges so I asked if he wanted to cross the High Level bridge and he did so we did.

Jason really has a knack for noticing things.
On our way back over the bridge, he noticed these sayings on the ground of the bridge.

It was my third time over the bridge that day and if he hadn't stopped to take pictures of them, I would never have know they were there.

It was kind of fun looking for them once we noticed them.

This was my favorite one.
There were a few more - I guess they were written by high school students.
What a neat idea.

I loved being able to jog here, such nice views.
I think we might end up staying downtown now when we come to the city so we can do this more often.

By the time we got back to the hotel to check out, I had over 14,000 steps logged for the day.
We checked out at 11 but just walked around the area to waste some time as we wanted to go have ramen at Tacos El Nido but it didn't open until noon.

We got there right at noon and I ordered the black garlic ramen.
Unfortunately we weren't that impressed.
The meat was cold and fatty and I just didn't enjoy it so I barely ate any of it.

We did order these bubble drinks though, I tried the Blush and Jason got the Cloud.

OMG - they were fabulous.
Jason's was the best of the two.
Mine was really good but it had a bit of a floral after taste, like rose water or something that I didn't care for.
I still drank the whole thing though.

We left there and did a bunch of shopping.
I wanted a couple more curtain panels like the ones I'd picked up last time for my room.
I also wanted a new bath mat and maybe some pillow cases.

We stopped at Old Navy and I got a pair of jeans..............
I can't believe I can fit into size 14.
It was such a good feeling to try things on and have them fit and like the way that they looked.

Because we hadn't enjoyed the ramen that much, we decided to have another treat, Pho.

I was all about the green onion cakes.
I love dipping them in fish sauce.
Two come in an order and I pretty much ate them both myself.
They are deep fried so likely loaded with calories but I thoroughly enjoyed them.

I had pho too but didn't eat that much of it.
I ate all my bean sprouts because I love them but I was feeling kind of full so didn't make much of a dent in the rest of it.

Saw these at Micheal's and might try to make some myself.

We made a few more stops before heading home so it was around 9:30 when we pulled into the driveway.

We got everything put away then settled down to watch the last episode of WandaVision.
I'm sad that it's over, I really liked it.

This came up as a must watch movie on my Facebook feed so I'm going to keep an eye out for it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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