Wednesday 31 March 2021

Mom's New Chair is Finally Here (Mar.30, 2021)

It was a quiet but busy morning for me.

It flew right by and before I knew it, it was lunch time.

I opted to go on the treadmill at lunch to do my 1 and 1 workout.

Again, I just kept the runs at a 4.0.

Hopefully my tail bone heals up soon so I can get back to harder workouts again. 

I did get a sweat on though - felt good.

Adrien and Mel dropped Hunter off while they went to WCT.
Mom's new recliner is in and they are going to pick it up for her.
Hunter found a bag of lollipops so he was pretty stoked.

Pretty hopped up on sugar too - he just had to try one of each color.
Of course I let him because that's what Aunties do!

Poor guy was waiting for Jason to get home to play video games with him but his Mom and Dad ended getting back to town first.

They brought mom's new chair in and helped set it up.

Jason arrived home while they were doing that so Hunter did get to see him briefly before they went home.

Everyone is coming over for supper tomorrow night for Morgan's birthday dinner so he'll get to hang out with Jason then.

Kody called around 8:30 and said that Freya wanted to come over and since Jason starts days off tomorrow, I told him to bring her on over and she could spend the night.

She was just raring to go when she arrived - she had Jason chasing her around the basement for a bit.
She was just getting into everything.

Then all of a sudden, she wanted a bubba and me to sit on the couch with her.

She was asleep within minutes.

I kept her with me like that for a bit while we watched tv.
I love cuddle time with her even if she is sleeping.

She didn't even wake up when we put her in bed.

I saw these on Instagram today @thecountgrydoor
They are so darn cute!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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