Tuesday 23 March 2021

Riding Bikes and Snow Storms from Nowhere (Mar.20, 2021)

It was a bit of an uncomfortable sleep with two extra folks in the bed with us. 

It was all worth it to wake up and see this little perfect face though.

We spent the morning just hanging out and playing.

It looked like a beautiful day out there and Hunter had been asking for Jason to take him for a bike ride.
Freya wanted to go to but she wouldn't get in the bike seat so I offered to tag along and push her in her stroller so that Jason and Hunter could ride their bikes.

We stopped at the store and the kids picked out treats then we headed back home.

The arrangement we had worked pretty good until Freya decided that she wanted Papa to carry her.

Poor Hunter - at least he got a bit of a bike ride in with Jason.

He would ride ahead then patiently wait at the intersections for us.

I forgot my mask at home and a co-worker (Stephen) happened to get to the store just as I did and he had some in his truck.
I forgot to take it off after I left the store.

He's getting to be such a big boy already.

He must have had a good ride because he was tired too and I ended up pushing his bike home for him for the last little bit.

When we got back to the house, I made everyone eggs for breakfast.
They had two each and they all ate them.
It's nice to have found something that is easy to make, healthy and liked by everyone!

After they ate, Hunter was missing his mom and dad so we all got ready to take them home.
I pushed Freya in the stroller again and Jason and the kids rode their bikes.

Freya wanted out as soon as we got going so she could play in the puddles so I told Jason to go ahead and we'd catch up.

While we were out there, a snow squall showed up out of nowhere.
Freya got back in the stroller and got cozy under her blanket and fell asleep just as we got back to the house.

I let her have a nap for a bit.

I love how she puts her little arms under her face when she sleeps.
I could just watch her forever.

I was cold though from the snow storm that came out of nowhere so I hopped in the bath to warm up.
Plus my backside where I fell the other day has really been bothering me.
I think I fell right on my tail bone.

Started a new book while I was in there.
The Orphan's Tale.
I'm only a couple chapters in but so far, so good.

When I finished my bath, I found Freya and Jason like this on the couch.

Freya has been singing a lot lately and she is really good at remembering lyrics and I wanted to video her singing a few songs for me.
I wasn't sure how it would go as sometimes as soon as I try to video her doing something, she immediately stops doing it.

She was all into singing for me though.

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Now she knows her ABC's.

I Love My Kitty Cat - went off the rails there slightly.
We found this song by accident on Alexa and now it's become a favorite that we listen to all the time.

Baa Baa Black Sheep Round Two.
She really loves singing this song.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
She's my little star!

Not long after this, Kody and Haylee came by to pick her up.
She was super happy to see her mom and dad.

Jason and I had a quiet night after they left.
We watched the first episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier from the beginning.
It was really good.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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