Tuesday 23 March 2021

Sunday Drive (Mar.21, 2021)

We both had a good sleep last night and when we got up this morning, the sun was shining so we got ready and headed out for our jogs.

Jason went his way and I went mine.

I can't keep up to him yet so I don't want to kill myself trying.

I was able to make it up two of the little hills on my route today that I can't normally do.

Plus, when I made it back to the house, I felt like I could keep on going so I did, I went right around the street behind us and added another chunk to my run.

I felt great when I got back to the house, very proud of myself.
I'd seen Jason leave on his bike as I was getting back so I got mine out and hopped on it and went for a bit of a ride.
I'm not sitting directly on my injured tailbone but it does hurt when I pedal so I kept the ride short.
I'll be happy when this injury heals up and I can get back to normal.

I took some selfies when I got back to the house.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.
I was thinking how much I really like these leggings and I might order myself a couple more pairs in some different colors.

I made myself a breakfast platter and watched the latest episode of When Calls the Heart.

My cousin posted this on Facebook and it made me laugh because this was totally me last night.
We watched a new video from the mind of Christine McConnell and it was less than 30 minutes but I just could not stay awake for it.

I thought up a name for my store when I finally get it.
Crazy for Corbels.
I checked to see if anyone already had it on Instagram and it looks free on there.

Jason had to take his truck to the car wash so I went with him for a ride.
There is only one bay in town and it was busy so we decided just to drive to Barrhead and get a car wash there.
It was a nice day for a drive.

We did the car wash, got some groceries then took the back roads home.

We stopped to see some cows.

Jason got a really nice close up of this one.

Every where we looked, cows were standing there looking at us.

My Honey and I enjoying our Sunday drive.

This gal was very curious.
She came right across the whole field to check us out.
It was like she was having a staring contest with me - she won!

We saw a falling down cabin that we would have loved to get our hands on.
Imagine all the nice wood you could get from it.
Jason even thought it might be a nice restoration project, like the Barnwood Builders.

Then we saw the Mystery Lake church.
It's a cute little church.

Saw a deer on the road in the Fort.

Stopped to use the facilities at Linda's in the Fort.
This sign on the door made me chuckle.

There were a few folks in there eating.
We had a look at the menu thinking one of these days we might just give it a try.
They have western and a Chinese menu.

It has been a while since we've had Chinese - it isn't exactly WW friendly.
Might be a nice treat one of these days though.

We picked up a roast chicken for supper and I ordered a Greek Salad from Sammy's for us to share.
They make a really good Greek Salad.

We saw these kiwiberries at the store so got them to give them a try.

They were delicious!

I didn't stay up very late, my back was bothering me again so I just wanted to go to bed.
Can't believe the weekend is over already and I'm back to work tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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