Monday 29 March 2021

Kids Say The Funniest Things (Mar.27, 2021)

 After our late night, we had a bit of a sleep in this morning which was nice.

When we did get up, Hunter wanted a drink of orange juice and we didn't have any so I convinced the kids it would be a good idea to go for a walk to the store to get some.

I took the stroller with me but ended up pushing it all the way down there empty.

Actually, Alivia pushed it for me and I carried Freya about half of the way and she walked the other half.

After the store though, I was able to convince them to get in the stroller for the walk home.
It was heavier and a bit harder to push but a good workout.

Watermelon for breakfast.

Alivia is getting so grown up.

Hunter still doesn't love posing for pictures.

The kids played all morning and around 2, Hunter started asking to go home.
So I called Adrien to come and get them.

Hunter told me that he was ready to go home now because he didn't like it at my house anymore.
When I asked him why, he told me that I keep it too hot at my house and they don't turn the temperature up that high at his house.

I thought he was going to tell me that he was bored but when he told me it was too hot, it kind of cracked me up.
Kids are funny.

Kody was there to pick up Freya but she wasn't quite ready to go.
So I told him to leave her and I'd take her home after.

A little later, she told me that she was ready to walk home but she wanted to walk there in my car.
Ha ha.
Luckily I had the car seat in my vehicle still so I was able to 'walk her home in the car'.

Jason was busy at work - he made this smore's pie for their bbq tomorrow.

After the kids all left - I headed out for a walk to get the rest of my steps in.
It had been snowing out earlier but it stopped and while everything is snow covered, it was still a nice walk.

I got the laundry all done - running up and down the stairs is good for my step count too.
I also did some cleaning which I've been needing to do for a while.

This made me giggle.

When Jason got home, we watched the latest episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier before calling it a night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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