Monday 22 March 2021

Melt Snow, Melt and Sleepover! (Mar.19, 2021)

Yay - it's Friday, my favorite day of the week! 

I popped on the treadmill at lunch time for a short time.

I was able to get a half hour in anyway.
Kody brought Freya over as he had to run to WCT and Jason had gone to the store.
He got back in time for me to go back to work but I didn't have time to get back on the treadmill.
I'll get the rest of my steps in after work.

After I finished work, Jason, Freya and I walked up to pick up Alivia and Hunter.
I had invited them to spend the night.

The kids rode their bikes back and we walked.

We put the bike seat we got for Freya on my bike but she wouldn't try it out.
We'll need to get one of the pull behind ones I guess.

It was nice out and the snow and ice has completely melted off of some of the roads in town thankfully.

She wanted to carry Hunter's back pack for him - she's so sweet.

That sunshine sure feels good.

So proud of herself for helping out Hunter.
She just loves him so much.

She did need Papa to carry her after a bit of walking though.

Of course he was happy to.

Still some ice here but nice big puddles too.
Hunter likes driving his bike through them.
Guess puddles are just a kid thing.

Jason fired up his pizza oven and made us delicious pizza for supper tonight.

Kody and Haylee came over to have supper with us.

Mom and I.

The pizza was so delicious - I had 4 slices.
That used up the rest of my weeklies but it was totally worth it.
I have a few days before weigh in, I'm hoping this doesn't have an affect but even if it does, I'll live.

Just hanging.

The first episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was available tonight so we tried to watch it but the kids weren't really into it.
So instead, they played downstairs most of the evening (jumping on the mattress) and we'll save that show for another night.

Even though we have a spare room downstairs with a double bed, the kids prefer to sleep in our room so Alivia made a nice cozy little nest at the foot of our bed for her and Hunter and Freya slept with us.
Hunter ended up getting in with us too so we didn't get a great sleep but the kids did thankfully.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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