Wednesday 17 March 2021

Another Weigh In Milestone (Mar.15, 2021)

Today was weigh in day.

I was very careful this week and tried to track all my points and not eat too many of my weeklies. 

It paid off too - I weighed in at 191.6 lbs.

That means I lost 2.6 lbs since last week.
It's been quite some time since I've seen movement like that on the scale in a week so if felt great.
I also hit the 80 lbs lost mark which also felt good.

I feel like my weight loss has slowed but it hasn't stopped so I'm still feeling wonderful about this whole process.

My breakfast platter!

I went out for a walk at lunch time and it was pretty nice out there.

My computer kind of stopped on me suddenly this afternoon and did a reboot so I went down to the office to work for the rest of the afternoon.
I needed to print some stuff off anyway.

After work - I took my selfies for the day.
Front view.

Side View.

Back View.
I don't remember to take them everyday but I know when I get to my goal, it will be nice to have these to go back to and do comparisons.

I decided to do one for today.
This was me exactly a year ago today and then today.
When I saw this picture last year, I hated it so much.
I felt huge and uncomfortable and I would have done anything to get the weight off.
I was seriously considering weight loss surgery at the time but then decided to give WW another go.
I'm so glad I did.

Kody posted pictures of this little dudette in her cool shades.

Ha ha - love it.

Reading a blog that I like today (Runs for Cookies) and she highly recommended this book so I'm going to check it out.

This actually used to be me, true story!

Some Facebook memories popped up that I thought I would share.

Professor Snuggles - Mar.18, 2017
He looooves cardboard boxes.

Our cruise from 2015.

We spent the day at Half Moon Cay and it was fabulous.

I thought Jason looked so good with that white shirt against his dark tan.

We rented floaties and spent the day like this.
The water was just gorgeous.

Oh and like this (that's our cruise ship off in the distance).
I managed to get myself a horrible sun burn that day and could barely move that night from the cabin. Next time - I'll be more careful but I don't regret it - it was a wonderful day.

I'm so looking forward to the day when we can travel again and go on another tropical vacation.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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