Tuesday 9 March 2021

Sunshine, The Natural Mood Enhancer (Mar.7, 2021)

We had an early morning today.

Freya fell asleep early last night but the meant she was up early this morning.

I wanted her to try on one of her new dresses but as you can see, she wasn't into it.

Ha ha- don't mind this - they are crocodile tears.

Once I told her how pretty she looked - her outlook improved.

Even managed to get a bit of a smile from her.
This dress was $12 at Old Navy.

It didn't stay on long though, maybe 10 minutes and she was back to running around the house naked as a jaybird.

Until her Dad came to pick her up and she had to get dressed.
This is the one Jason picked out for her.
We convinced her to let us take a picture of her with her baby.
The dress looks so cute.

She didn't want to go home with Kody so we offered to walk her down and she thought that was a good idea.
We got her bundled up (even though it wasn't really that cold out) and we headed out.

This stroller is super hard to push on the snow covered road but Jason did a good job.

Just chillaxing in her little chariot.

Of course she wanted to get and walk before we got there so we let her.

Just a girl and her Papa.

I think she loves the freedom of being out of the stroller.

She walked the rest of the way and Grandma got to push the stroller.
No biggie though - it's much easier when there is nobody sitting in it.

It was turning into a gorgeous day.

She was looking for puddles to jump in - she found a few too - the sun was doing it's job and melting away some of the snow.

I love watching her enjoy the little things.

It was so nice out that she was able to take her jacket off.

Sunshine makes me happy too!

She was having a grand old time running back and forth across the deck.

Jumping - she's so happy and proud of herself.
I think the sunshine just makes her (and everybody else) feel good.
Nothing like sunshine and nice weather to lift a persons spirits.

Helping Daddy by pointing out where all the dog poop was.

The dogs were having a great time running around too.
Ozzy is so much bigger than her but she isn't shook at all - she bosses him around like a pro.

Aww - Love that little smile.

We invited them over for supper before we left.
I hadn't been out for a walk so we decided to go for one right then.
I didn't do any jogging but we went for a really long walk.

We stopped and talked to Alana by her place.
She told us how good we were looking and said saw us out jogging yesterday and was so impressed.
It was really nice to hear.

Jason cooked up some chili when we got home and around 6:30, the kids arrived for supper.

Freya wasn't interested in eating.

The crew having supper.

I always seem to catch mom in unflattering poses, ha ha.

My handsome boy.

Pushing a water balloon around in her stroller.

They stayed to visit for a bit.
We were showing Kody some stuff on Instagram - he doesn't have an account on there.

He signed up for one though when he got home and this is his first official photo he posted on Instagram and I love it!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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