Friday 26 February 2021

No More Snow Please (Feb.25, 2021)

 It was another lonely morning here in my home office but I managed to make it through πŸ˜‰

It has snowed some so at lunch I went out and shoveled then I decided to head to my actual office to work for the afternoon.

I hadn't been down there for over a week and I had things I needed to print off and I had to check to see if there was any new work for me on my desk (there was lots!).

A few folks were there that normally aren't in the office as they are preparing for a turn around so it was nice to see them and chat to real live people again (who aren't related to me).

I also had a few parcels arrive there today including the sewing machine that I ordered.

I can't wait to give it try this weekend.

I considered heading to Barrhead to pick up my new glasses that are in but the weather kind of took a turn for the worse so I decided not to chance it.

Instead I headed to the store and picked up ingredients for supper then I headed home to a fully snowed in driveway.

It took me about an hour to shovel everything again but I got all my steps in so that was good.

No official workout today - all my steps came from shoveling.

I don't mind shoveling at all and it's nice that it helps me to get steps in but to be completely honest, I'm so done with snow and ready for spring to arrive already!

Come on Mother Nature - give us a break.

I made a shrimp stir fry for supper, even cooked up basmati rice from scratch.
It was pretty good.

I decided on what to do with the top of the table.
I taped off three borders and did one in pink, one in yellow and one in purple.
All girlie colors that I love.

I think it turned out pretty good.
 A small bit of the purple ripped off when I pulled the tape off but aside from that (which I easily painted back in), I think it looks pretty good.
I'm going to let it dry overnight then tomorrow I will varnish it.
It should be all ready to go for when she sleeps over on the weekend.

I caught up on a couple episodes of This is Us before Jason got home from work then we watched some One Bite Pizza reviews before heading to bed.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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