Thursday 25 February 2021

The Lady with the Creepy Dolls - That's Me! (Feb.24, 2021)

Jason was back to work today so I had a lonely morning at the office.

There are things I love about working from home but I do miss seeing all my co-workers and am looking forward to the day we can go back and see each other again.


I made myself another healthy breakfast plate - so good.

I got a second coat put on the legs of the table.
Now I just have the top left to do then a varnish on top and it will be good to go.

My brother asked if I could pick Hunter and his buddy that Mel babysits, Leeland, up from school at lunch.
His job went a little longer than he expected.
Leeland is so funny, he's met me several times before but when I picked him up, he came with me to my car no problem but then he said "I don't know you".
I reminded him that he'd been to my house before and he didn't like my dolls.
He remembered that "Oh yes, you have the dolls that creep me out".
Ha ha

I just got them set up to play the playstation and Adrien arrived to pick them up.

So I was able to hop on the treadmill at lunch time.
I did the 1 and 1 workout today.
I was determined to run for 1 minute at 6.8 today and I did it!

Sweaty and proud!

My brother ended up getting called to another job so he brought the boys back but they just played video games while I worked.

Mel came to pick them up before I was done work so I didn't really get to hang out with them.

After work, I went to the store and mom offered to buy Jason and I supper.
She wanted chicken fingers and a salad from the restaurant and I just ordered a Greek salad for Jason and I to share.
I picked up some stewing beef to cook up to go with it.

Jason and I had planned on going for a walk when he got home from work but I decided to go for my little 2000 loop just so I wouldn't need as many steps later on.

That kind of snowballed because it was nice out and I pretty much did my whole normal route and I'm glad I did because Jason ended up working really late so we wouldn't have been able to go.

We pretty much just ate supper then it was off to bed.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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