Thursday 11 February 2021

Two Work Out Kind of Day (Feb.10, 2021)

Breakfast at my desk today.

I had all kinds of healthy, colorful options on my plate.

Jason was back to work today so it was a quiet morning at my 'office'.

At lunch time, I popped down on the treadmill for a bit.
I didn't do any jogging because I wanted to watch an episode of Firefly Lane.

I ended up jogging a minute here and there so I got a bit of a sweat on which felt good.

I got a few things ready to take down to the hardware.

I like how both of these churches turned out.
I have a few more to paint but we'll start with these at the Hardware for now.

Also took my bunny down, I love how she turned out.

Then I went to the office to work for the afternoon.
I had some stuff I needed to print off and I had a virtual meeting so I just spent the afternoon there.

When I got home, I did a bit more shoveling.
It hasn't been snowing but the wind keeps blowing the snow back onto the driveway.

I didn't shovel everything I would have liked because it was way too cold out there for me.

I DO NOT like the cold just in case I've not ever made that clear before 😄

When I came in, I took my selfies.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.
I was feeling good in my camo pants today!

A fellow WW member posted this recipe on the WW site today and I think I'm going to give it a try (sans blueberries of course which I do not like).

I still needed more steps so I popped back onto the treadmill.
I mainly walked because I was watching, you guessed it, Firefly Lane, but I did get a few minutes of jogging in here and there.
I started episode 10 so it's almost done - I'm going to miss Kate and Tully!

Second work out of the day complete.

Second recipe of the day that I want to try too.
Another WW member posted this one - I love orange stuff so I think it sounds fabulous.

Those WW Members are just full of helpful information today, one of them posted this - what a great idea.
Totally stealing it!

We had burgers on WW Rye bread for supper and they were delicious.
I think we might have them again tomorrow night!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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