Monday 22 February 2021

A New Bike for Me - Merry Christmas! (Feb.19, 2021)

The gyms aren't allowed to be open yet in hotels due to Covid so morning run outside it was.

Jason picked himself up a new pouch - he's going to try it out this morning.

I actually remembered to bring my stuff with me to go outdoors for a walk/run.
We headed out together but I told Jason to go ahead without me - he can run outdoors for much longer and I didn't want to hold him back.
So we separated once he started jogging.

Shortly after that, I jogged to cross a busy street and it felt pretty good so I just kept jogging after that.
I made it through a song so then I tried to make it through another and then another and so on until I ended up jogging for the whole entire time I was out there.
I was so proud of myself.

I got over 9000 steps in and the day had just begun.

We didn't have a whole lot that we had to do today so we got that done pretty early and because I was still feeling so good about my run this morning, we decided to have another treat today and went for ramen.

Last time we were in the city, you couldn't dine in restaurants and ramen just isn't something that we thought would be good to take out.
We went to our favorite ramen place, Kazoku Ramen.

Excited about having some ramen.

We both like the black tonkotsu garlic ramen so we each ordered a bowl.
I also added corn and extra fried garlic and OMG - it was so good.
24 points on WW but so worth it.

After ramen, we went to pick up Jason's bike.
Last time we were in the city we dropped it off at Revolution Cycle to be serviced.
I've been thinking about getting myself a new bike so we had a look at them and got the sales reps in there to recommend some.
I tried out two different bikes in the store and ended up really liking the second one and Jason bought it for me for Christmas.
He had wanted to get me a sewing machine or a bike but we just haven't had a chance to go looking.

It's a Signature bike which I've never heard of before but I tested it out once we got outside and I just love it.

The color is pretty sweet too.
I can't wait for the snow to melt so we can get out and ride!
From there, we headed home.

Looking at Instagram on the way home, saw Katharine Foster is in a new show starting on Netflix.
Country Comfort.
It looks cute, think I'll check it out.

Haylee posted this pretty picture of herself today.

Someone posted this on Facebook and I think it's such good advice, especially number 6.

This just made me giggle.

When we got home, Kody brought Freya over for a visit.
He is working in the morning and Haylee went to the city for the weekend so we told him that we'd keep her for the night.
(These are her Zombie eyes).

Pretending to be a zombie (or Tommy as she says it).

Just soaking up all the cuddles with her that I can.

I'm so thankful that we get to spend so much time with her.

Making play dough ice cream cones for us.

Just cuddling with Papa and watching some YouTube.

What a cute bed - I'd love to make something like this for Freya.

We headed to bed fairly early, both of us were tired.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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