Tuesday 9 February 2021

Nice Weather....For a Polar Bear! (Feb.8, 2021)

It's Monday, you know what that means...

Weigh in Day!

I was 194.4lbs this morning.

That's a loss of 2.6 lbs since last week and 78.6 lbs total since I started WW.
It felt good - it's been a while since I've had a good loss like this.

Yup - nice weather around here if you are a polar bear.

I think we had a cold snap like this same time last year.
I'll be glad when it is over.

Jason boiled some eggs so I made myself a colorful breakfast plate.
It was delicious to snack on while I worked.

When Freya got up, first thing she wanted was a bubba and 'Baby Shark Your Phone' so Jason got her all set up.

We were able to convince her to get dressed this morning no problem.
She even added the gloves for good measure.

Until Kody wanted to get her ready to go home - she didn't want to go.

Jason tried to distract her with a new exercise he invented - baby lifts.

We found out today that we are getting bonuses at work which is a nice surprise.
I wasn't sure that we would with the year we had last year.

I decided to actually do my hair today - I really need to make an appointment for a color.

So figured it would be a good time to get my selfies in.
Front view.

Side view.

And... Back View.

I left work early today so Jason and I could take a run to Barrhead.
I needed to order some new glasses.

Feels good to be on the road going somewhere even if it is just to get new glasses.

It took about an hour for me to pick new frames and then we made a couple other stops before heading back home.
We picked up some fried chicken from Coop (their chicken is delicious) and invited Kody and them to come over for supper.

I barely had any steps in so I did a Leslie Sansone workout while we were waiting for the kids to arrive.

Haylee wasn't feeling well so only Kody and Freya came over.
We decided to keep her another night because we love having her so much.

I still needed more steps so I had to get on the treadmill.
I walked mainly but did get in a few minutes of jogging here and there just to bump the steps up.

It took me a bit to get to 12,000 but didn't mind because the episode of Firefly Lane I was watching was so good.
Plus I had a little visitor that kept wanting to hop on the treadmill with me (Freya) so I had to slow right down several times but all good.
I want her to want to exercise and for it to just be a normal everyday thing for her.

We didn't have as early of a night as last night but it wasn't too late when we got to bed.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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