Monday 8 February 2021

Painting and Staining Day (Feb.6, 2021)

 After my morning coffee and an episode of Firefly Lane (which I am loving by the way), Jason headed outside to start building stuff and I started painting.

The stain had dried on the church so I was able to paint the doors on.

This is the front of the church.

This is the back.

I got my bunny finished too - I love how she turned out.

Jason kept bringing in stuff for me and I spent the day staining it all.

Some of it dried enough for me to be able to do coats of white.

I also got second coats on all three of the tables he build for Bonnie, Sharon and Nadine.
I'm going to let them dry for a few days then sand some of it back to get that rustic look.

Between staining and base coating, it pretty much ate up my day but I have lots of projects to work on now over the next few days.

I got some steps in over the day but still needed a few thousand so around 7 pm I went down and got on the treadmill.

It took me about a half hour to get to the 12,000 mark  - I didn't really feel like jogging today for some reason so I just walked and watch another episode of Firefly Lane.

Not a terribly hard workout but at least I got my steps in for the day.

Crystal posted this picture of the girls in front of this flower display at the West Edmonton Mall.
They have a room booked at the Fantasy Land Hotel but couldn't check in until 4 pm so they were just hanging out in the mall waiting to get in.

Jason cooked up a bunch of meat for supper - He let it cook for several hours so it was so tender and delicious by the time we ate supper.
Chicken, pork and sausages - yum yum.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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