Tuesday 9 February 2021

Missed Our Girl and Early Night (Feb.7, 2021)

Sunday is here already, how did that happen?

Crystal posted a picture of the girls in their 'space' bed.
Sounds like they really enjoyed the room and their weekend.

Even though it was cold out, Jason went out for his run and I got bundled up and headed out for a walk.
I walked for close to an hour - no jogging today - I was too bundled up for that.

I had a bath when I got home to get the chill out of my bones.
Started a new book - Eleanor Oliphant.
So far it's really good - it draws you right in, I just want to keep reading to find out more.

As soon as the kids got home from the city, Freya was asking to come over and see us so we told Kody to bring her over.

We decided to keep her over night for a sleep over.

We were both really missing her.

I still had a few more steps to get so I went down and got on the treadmill for a bit.
I just jogged the odd minute here and there.
I was watching another episode of Firefly Lane (it's so good) and it's too hard to hear the tv when I'm jogging.

Got all my steps in anyway and felt good about it.

Around 7:30, Freya asked for a hot bubba and to go to bed.
Very unusual, she's never asked to go to bed before but we got her a bubba as requested and I went and laid down with her and read my book.

She did end up falling asleep right away.
She woke up at 9:30 so I turned the lights out and she went right back to sleep and I joined her.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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