Wednesday 3 February 2021

Snow, Shovel, Repeat! (Feb.2, 2021)

 Working from home is getting really lonely.

I'm so glad that Jason starts days off tomorrow - It will be nice to have someone around in the day to talk to.

I made myself an omelet for breakfast and had some leftover veggie ground from last nights supper with it.
I also added some salsa, an orange and a mango - delicious.

We got a pile of snow dumped on us last night so I spent my whole lunch hour shoveling, in fact it took me an hour and a half and I didn't even get to the back.
I didn't realize I'd been out there that long.
By the time I was finishing up, it was all filled in again.

 I had to print some stuff off so I went to the office for a couple of hours this afternoon.
Shennelle happened to be there so I got to catch up with her a little bit which was nice.

When I got home, the driveway was totally covered in snow again so I put my stuff in the house and got the shovel out.
I spent nearly 2 hours shoveling everything and by the time I went in the house I was frozen.
I was shivering so bad that I was shaking.
I tried to warm up under a blanket but the didn't work so in the tub I went.
That helped somewhat although even after I got out, it took a bit of time for the chill to completely go away.

I had leftovers for supper, I am glad we had leftovers because I was too done out to make anything else.

I really love the sign above the door with the house number.
Jason doesn't think it would be very practical if someone were looking for your house and he's right but I still like it.
Maybe a person could have both?

I saw this cross which I really liked and want to make, but I wanted a different bible quote to put on it.
So I did some searching for one.

So far, I like this one but I might keep looking.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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