Thursday 18 February 2021

Balmy -26 C Out There Today (Feb.17, 2021)

We both just love having Freya spend the night and spending time with us.
It's so nice to wake up with her here.
I had to work but she and Jason popped into my office often this morning for quick visits.

She is VERY into her bubba and milk and Kody is starting to get concerned because she doesn't eat much for food - she's just not interested.
I am not that concerned because she's perfectly healthy but Jason and I decided that we are going to make more of an effort to get her to eat actual food.

So Jason made her some noodles (and a makeshift table) for lunch.

She just loves Spicy Chicken noodles and she ate most of them so that was good.
He had also made us omelets for breakfast and she ate some of that too.
I think we just need to get her to try more things and figure out what she likes.

I wanted to pop on the treadmill at lunch but it's hard to do that with her here - she likes to get on it with me or go to the back and put her fingers on the belt.
I'm always afraid she's going to get hurt so instead of the treadmill, I did a Leslie Sansone video instead.
I just wanted to make sure that I didn't have 12,000 steps to try to get in after work.

Kody came and picked Freya up later in the afternoon so Jason was able to get out for his run.

It was a little nicer today, a balmy -26 C, so after work, Jason and I went for a walk to the store.
It actually felt pretty cold out there.
It's weather like this that makes me appreciate wearing a mask!

Saw this cute idea for a springy wreath!

Jason made us hamburger soup for supper and it was DEE-Licious!
We watched some One Bite pizza reviews this evening and some Food Safari before calling it a night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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