Tuesday 23 February 2021

A Day with Our Girl (Feb.21, 2021)

We all had a bit of a sleep in this morning which was nice.

When we did get up, first thing Freya wanted was a hot bubba and a cuddle with Papa.

They have such a sweet relationship.
He just dotes on her and she adores him (the feeling is mutual).

They hung out like this for quite some time this morning.

I posted the picture of my new bike on Facebook and I got a lot of comments.
I think it's really the first time I posted a picture of myself since I lost weight so I got a lot of nice comments.
It got me think about this picture I took probably last May or June when we first started WW and I decided to do a comparison picture to post on WW.
(I don't feel comfortable posting pics like this on Facebook, at least not yet, maybe that will change down the road).
I am amazed by the difference - I look and feel so much better.
I am so grateful that I started WW again and that I'm here at this point in my journey.
There has been some sacrifice and hard work but it is so worth it.

Little Miss got tuckered out and fell asleep around 2 on my lap.
I just love having the chance to cuddle with her so I just sat there with her and found a movie to watch.

Stepmom just became available on Netflix so I picked that.
I saw it when it first came out at the theatre with my sister.
I remember I was just crying a river and this man behind me in the theater was letting out these big sobs too and my sister just looked at me and said "are you crying?" like she couldn't believe it.
I remember responding "you aren't" like I couldn't believe that she wasn't.
She didn't have children at the time, I think if she watched it again it would be a whole different story.

It was just as much of a tear jerker as I remembered it to be and I cried my little eyes out.

Jason had been trying to go out for a run all morning but Freya just didn't want him to leave so he took advantage of her napping to get out and go for his jog.
When he got back, I got ready and went out to do some shoveling.
It had snowed a bit over night and it's a good way for me to get steps in.

I got the whole front and driveway done then I headed to the backyard.
It was actually kind of nice out so Freya and Jason got ready and came out to help me.

We put her right to work!
Ha ha.

She thought she was doing a great job.
Isn't she the cutest little shoveler in the world?

When we finished up, we decided to go for a walk but the wind picked up while we were walking and it got really cold.

When we got back to the house, Kody was there waiting to pick Freya up.
She was so happy to see him.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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