Friday 5 February 2021

No MoJo Today (Feb.4, 2021)

 We had a pretty good sleep last night.

Freya woke up at 2:30 and wanted a hot buba and a back rub but then went right back to sleep.

I had a little visitor at the 'office' this morning.

A pretty cute one!

Surprise, Surprise, we got more snow.
So at lunch I opted to shovel it instead of going for a walk.

It took me the whole lunch hour but I got it looking pretty good.
I only did the front - didn't make it to the back.

Later in the afternoon, these two had a little napping session.
Wish I could have joined them.

She's just so precious.

First thing she asked for when she got up?
You guessed it, hot buba!

She and Jason played all afternoon while I worked.
When I finished up for the day, we realized we were out of milk - catastrophe!
So Jason stayed with Freya and I popped down to the store for milk and we needed some fresh fruit too.
I dropped a few things off at the office while I was at it and I had a parcel on my desk.
The phone case I ordered for Morgan finally arrived.

Kody came to pick up Freya and stayed to have supper with us.
He found a small hole in his muffler and his stomach is bothering him.
I think what's really up is that we are all going to the city tomorrow and because he is so concerned about Covid, he's stressed about it.

I know he can't help it but I do feel like everyone needs a change of scenery.
We can't do too much while we are there since everything is pretty much still shut down so it should be fairly safe and we will take all the necessary precautions.

After they left, I still needed quite a few steps.
We considered going for a walk but it was really cold outside.
For some reason I was really avoiding the treadmill but eventually I had to give in and go down and get on it to get the rest of my steps.

It took me 46 minutes but I did it.
I didn't jog at all, just walked at a 3.0 - for some reason I felt like that was all I could do today.

Not beating myself up over it though - I still got my steps in and not all days are the same and that's ok.

Since I didn't run, instead of watching videos, I watched the first episode of this new show on Netflix, Firefly Lane.

It was really good, I think I'm really going to like it.

Saw this cute display idea on Instagram.

This mug cake sounds really good - think I might try to make it one of these days.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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