Tuesday 16 February 2021

Disappointing (But Not Surprising) Weigh In (Feb.15, 2021)

 It's Family Day here in Alberta so I had the day off from work.

It was still weigh in day though.
194.8 lbs today.

That means I was up .4 lbs since last week which was disappointing but not surprising.
I ate up all my weeklies pretty much at the beginning of the week and I didn't do a very good job of tracking my points either.
That's ok though - this week I will do better.

It had warmed up a bit (-26) so I decided to go out for a walk at lunch time today.

Truth be told, -26 C is still pretty cold but I survived and I got a good chunk of my steps in.

It was a relaxing day - I had a bath when I got back from my walk to warm up and I started a new book.
How I Came To Sparkle Again

I also did some crafting and got a couple of projects completed.
This Bee Kind sign.

And this cross.
I'll take them down to the hardware tomorrow.

I still needed some steps so around supper time, I decided to walk to the store.
I bundled up really good this time so I didn't get as cold as earlier.

I made this pork dish for supper.
I'm not sure what to call it but it had ground pork, broccoli cole slaw mix, chick peas and bean sprouts.
It is really good.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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